- To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way. 武断地说话武断地表明自己的意见或判断
- I have merely stated facts in a dogmatic way. 我只是在按论断的方式叙述事实。
- The first is one of a dogmatic nature. 第一是教义性的。
- A lot of the experience of the Soviet Union is good, but it would be disastrous if we emulate it in a dogmatic way. 苏联的许多经验是好的,但是如果采取教条主义的方法去学习就坏了。
- A lot of the experience of the Soviet Union is good,but it would be disastrous if we emulate it in a dogmatic way. 苏联的许多经验是好的,但是如果采取教条主义的方法去学习就坏了。
- Such is one's nature in a dogmatic sense prior to initiation1024, or the dogmatic nature of one's persona. 这是你提升到1024股之前的教条本性或角色的教条性质。
- Opponents claim that the new constitution will impose a dogmatic socialism, curtail human rights and undermine property rights and the rule of law. 反对者声称新宪法将会强加一种教条式的社会主义,削弱人权和财产权以及法律的统治力。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- But those who wish to deny the conceptual basis of their writing in favor of unmediated expression risk falling into a dogmatic rigidity about writing. 但那些试图否认他们创作的基础概念而偏好无中介的表达的人实际上是陷入了写作的极端教条。
- Without the explosion of human’s ardor, the abstract arts could only be a dogmatic art form which would be eventually ossified. 在抽象艺术中,没有激情勃发的人类情灵的张扬,无疑将使抽象艺术走向僵化和教条的死路;
- The writer of the paper assumes that it is violation of the basic principle of Marxism to make only a dogmatic categorization of it. 那种将马克思主义基本原理简单地归结为“条条”的做法违背马克思主义的理论原则,也是无意义的。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- This nature of the doctrine has a dogmatic and rigid interpretation of object-feature set to determine the truth of knowledge and everyday thinking, there may be abuses. 这种本质主义具有独断论的、僵化性的对象性阐释特性,置之于知识真理判断和日常思维中,则有可能出现各种弊端。
- It was a dogmatic movement intolerant of those disagreed with its views, and it emphasized only one way, the Arya Samaj way, to the realization of Truth. 它是一种独断的教条主义运动,对不一致的观点采取不宽容的态度。它强调只有唯一的道路,也就是雅利安社道路才能实现真理。
- I can boil down the facts to a short statement. 我可以把这些事实作简短的陈述。
- In fact, opponents claim that the new constitution will impose a dogmatic socialism, curtail human rights and undermine property rights and the rule of law. 实际上,反对者们声称,新宪法将强制推行专断的社会主义,剥夺人权,破坏财产权和法制。
- a dogmatic(al) statement 武 断的说法
- A FORTRAN language statement used to define arrays. 在FORTRAN语言中用于定义数组的语句。
- Her views wee fully set forth in a written statement. 她的观点在一篇书面声明中得到了充分的阐述。
- Theology, on the other hand, induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe. 另一方面,根据神学的教条,它诱导我们自以为知道的东西,恰恰其实是我们所无知的,如此,我们人类之于宇宙就产生了一种妄自尊大的感觉。