- He drove down a dirt road squashing frogs. 他在一条肮脏泥泞的大道上开车碾扁了许多青蛙。
- It was a dirt road bordered by a dry ditch. 这是一条土路,路旁有条干沟。
- Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road. 轮子在泥路上会留下车辙。
- A herd of water buffalo charges down a dirt road in rural Laos. 一群水牛在老挝的一条乡村土路上横冲直撞。
- This is a car just as competent on a dirt road as it is on tarmac. 这是一个公正的主管汽车的土路,因为它是在停机坪上。
- Like the pillars at the entrance of an ancient Roman ruin, a stand of baobab trees s a dirt road in Madagascar. 马达加斯加的一条土路边矗立着几颗猴面包树,看上去象是古罗马遗迹入口处的石柱。
- The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard. 这条便道是一条穿过几个香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。
- Like the pillars at the entrance of an ancient Roman ruin, a stand of baobab trees frames a dirt road in Madagascar. 在马达加斯加几株面包树就好像古罗马废墟入口处的那些柱子一样,装饰在一条土路的两旁。
- But Ever Castillo, a 14- year-old boy, spends his days by the side of a dirt road near his home in the town of Lajas. 他和他的伙伴们一起在路边苦苦地将大块石头打碎成小块圆石,并期待能够将这些卖给建筑承包商。
- The couple turned off Highway 56 near Modena and headed north up a dirt road into Hamblin Valley. 夫妇俩从摩德纳附近的56号口拐出,离开高速路,沿着尘土飞扬的公路向北驶入汉布林山谷,不久便达到了一片遍布山艾树的红土地。
- The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard.With that route obliterated, Tyre is isolated. 这条便道是一条穿过香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。
- In a letter to FIFA, Barack Obama waxed lyrical: “As a child, I played soccer on a dirt road in Jakarta, and the game brought the children of my neighbourhood together. 在致国际足联的信中,奥巴马满怀热情:“小时候,我曾在雅加达的马路上踢足球,足球运动把我邻家的小孩子团结在一起。
- ON A dirt road in Weipe, a farming area in South Africa on the banks of the Limpopo river about 60km (37 miles) west of the busy Beitbridge border post, a few cars are waiting. 维普(Weipe)是坐落于南非境内林波波河岸的一个农场区,繁杂的拜特布里奇(Beitbridge)边境向西行使六十公里(三十七英里)就能到达这个地方。然而现在,这个地方的一条路上却停着一些轿车在等待着什么。
- After a big meal, we got started on the final attack, which entailed an uphill bit on paved road for several kilometers until the turnoff -- as shown on the map -- up a dirt road to the east. 一顿大餐以后,我们开始了最后的冲刺,还有好几公里的上坡路,到了岔口------如地图所示-----然后是往东的泥路。
- While I remember the road outside Beijing Foreign Studies University it was a dirt road.And the dirt road then became the paved road; then it became a wider road and now it is a two levels multi lane highway. 我记着北京外国语大学外面的路,原是条土路,后来铺了路,再后来扩宽了,如今那已是双层多车道的公路了。
- The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt road. 运货卡车驶过那条肮脏的道路时卷起了一片尘土。
- The road petered out into a dirt track. 大道延伸到一条泥土小径。
- I see a truck coming down the dirt road. 我看到一辆卡车从泥巴路上开过来。
- Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车轮在泥泞的路上留下痕迹。
- Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads. 车轮在泥路上留下凹痕。