- a diaper wash 洗尿布的地方
- I tell you that one stork dropped the little tyke off in a diaper. 我告诉你他是一只鹳咬着尿布扔下来的。
- You need to put on a diaper and zip your pants, fag ass. 你们共匪在多事之秋之时发起内战,欺压百姓,无恶不作。。。
- Time for a feeding and time for a diapering. 是到了喂奶,换尿布的时候了。
- Nearly three-fourths of Americans said they always wash up after changing a diaper, 78 percent said they do so after eating food; 42 percent after petting a dog, 25 percent after handling money, and 34 percent after coughing or sneezing. 四分之三的美国人表示在换尿布之后会洗手,78%25的表示他们在吃饭之后会洗手,42%25的同志在溜狗之后洗手;25%25在接触过钱之后会洗手;34%25在打喷嚏或者是咳嗽之后会洗手。
- When she was expecting number two, her colleagues got together and held a diaper shower for her. 当她怀了老二时,她的同事凑在一起为她办了个小规模的新生儿喜酒。
- I had to wash and dress in a hurry. 我得匆匆洗个澡穿好衣服。
- His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. 他的衣服是用洗后不用烫的纤维衣料做的。
- If your child is wearing a diaper, please let him/her wear easily accessible clothing. 穿尿布的孩子在穿著上请从简,尽量选择易脱易穿的衣物。
- I’ve never even changed a diaper with my hands and she did it in a jiffy with her feet! 我从来也没有亲手为孩子换过一片尿布,而她却迅速地用脚换好了!
- My daughter has the most sensitive skin.Absolutely nothing can go on a diaper rash with the exception of Burt's Bees. 我女儿有最敏感的皮肤,几乎没有什么能用在尿布疹上除了小蜜蜂产品。
- If a garment won't wash, it must be dry-cleaned. 用水洗就退色或缩水的衣服得乾洗。
- Jason: Yeah. I remember the way he used to laugh, every time he'd fill a diaper. 杰森:是啊,我记得他每次弄湿尿布都要大笑一场。
- Can I have a volunteer to wash the dishes? 谁自愿来帮忙收拾一下这些盘子?
- One woman, who had been stuck on the bus for thirteen days, wept when she received a diaper because her nine-month-old son had been bottom-naked for five days. 当一个母亲接过尿布的时候,她感动的流下了眼泪,因为她已经被困在车上13天而她的孩子已经有5天没用尿布了。
- Then the staff there already put a diaper back on for him, which I was a bit disappointed about, since they probably wanted to avoid having to clean up. 之后托儿所就已经立即替他穿回尿片,我就感到有点儿可惜,觉得他们可能为了免多馀清洁工作。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。