- a devotee of science fiction 科幻小说的狂热爱好者
- He's a great reader of science fiction. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说.
- Anna was reading a piece of science fiction and completely lost in the book. 安娜在读一部科幻小说,完全沉浸在书中。
- A devotee of God accepts everything. 一个神的奉献者会接受一切。
- Wormholes are also a feature of science fiction. 虫孔也是科幻小说的一个特征。
- That sounds like something out of science fiction. 听起来像科幻小说一样。
- Much of science fiction celebrates this spirit. 多数科学小说加速这种精神。
- H.G. Wells remains one of the founding fathers of science fiction. 威尔斯是科幻小说的创始人之一。
- The hypothesis no longer belongs to the realm of science fiction. 这种设想已不是科学幻想。
- Controlling things by mere thought is a staple of science fiction. 仅仅依靠意念来控制事物是科幻小说的常见场景。
- He must not talk to one very long, even if she is a devotee of God. 即使她是一个神的奉献者,他也必须不要和她谈太长的时间。”
- Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges. 一次,我看到一位神圣母亲的奉献者在恒河岸边的石梯上沐浴。
- Dirac was a devotee of comic strips and he enjoyed Mickey Mouse films. 迪拉克非常喜欢连环画,也很喜欢看迪士尼的米老鼠电影。
- But this hope is always in the realms of science fiction. 这种希望总是只在科幻小说中存在。
- Taken together, they are his most famous work of science fiction. 收集在一起,它们是他最著名的科幻小说作品。
- One who is exceptionally aware of or interested in the latest trends and tastes, especially a devotee of modern jazz. 消息灵通的人,赶时髦的人对最新的潮流和品味有浓厚的兴趣或十分敏感的人,特指现代爵士乐的热爱者
- But this hope is always in the realm of science fiction. 但是,这种希望总是局限在科幻小说的范畴里。
- a devotee of sport, music, crime fiction, etc 热衷于体育运动、 音乐、 侦探小说等的人.
- I turned out to be a devotee of the opera and naturally, the name Narcissus represents beauty for me ever since. 我成了那部歌剧的忠实爱好者,自然而然从那时起,水仙在我的心中成了美丽的象征。
- Tetsugen, a devotee of Zen in Japan, decided to publish the sutras, which at that time were available only in Chinese. 铁眼道光,日本江户时代的禅师,有感于大藏经只有汉文本,决心印刻日文版。