- He wrote the powerful poem with a delicate touch. 他以神来之笔创作出雄浑的诗篇。
- This type of engraving requires a delicate touch. 这种雕刻要求手法轻巧。
- Christopher Louden of Jazz Times magazine says Adair is “an accomplished artist with a delicate touch. ”克里斯托弗是高的爵士时代杂志说,阿代尔“是一种成就的艺术家了微妙的联系。
- A versatile application with a delicate touch, this can be used as eyeliner or as an eye shadow for exceptional creative eye makeup. 触感柔软细致,可同时作眼线笔及眼影使用,让你轻易创造万千变化眼妆。
- A delicate touch of exotic beauty: Our .50 Carat Total Weight Tanzanite Stud Earrings demand attention with their distinctive ability to change color from deep purple-blue to violet-blue. 异域风情的精致美丽:重0.;50克拉的坦桑石耳钉其特有的蓝紫色光和紫光蓝使它的外观更为闪亮。
- Despite 70-odd teeth and a notoriously nasty bite, a female alligator in Florida's Everglades National Park demonstrates a delicate touch when the time comes for her eggs to hatch. 在佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园里一直雌性短吻鳄在孵卵时展现了其温柔的一面,尽管有着70颗奇怪的牙齿和臭名昭著危险的大嘴。
- Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom is gone. 愚昧像个妖嫩奇异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清新。
- He had a surprisingly delicate touch. 他生花的妙笔令人惊讶。
- Please don't joke about such a delicate subject. 请不要把这个棘手的问题当儿戏。
- The surgeon is performing a delicate operation. 那位外科医生正在做一个很精细的手术。
- Lavender has a delicate fragrance. 薰衣草有淡淡的香味。
- This ancient parchment was discovered in a delicate iron box. 这张古老的羊皮纸是在一个精致的铁盒子里发现的。
- Even a feather will turn a delicate scale. 一台精密的天平能称出即使是一片羽毛的重量
- This soap has a delicate, flower like fragrance. 这种肥皂有一股花一般的芳香。
- Please do not joke about such a delicate subject . 请不要拿这样敏感的问题开玩笑。
- She has a delicate ear for music. 她对音乐很有鉴赏力。
- A dog has a delicate sense of smell. 狗具有灵敏的嗅觉。
- Having a light, delicate touch. 手巧的、手法高明的
- What a delicate piece of embroidery ! 多么精致的刺绣!
- A pianist or a violinist must have a delicate sense of touch. 钢琴家或小提琴家都必须有灵敏的触感。