- a day that will live in infamy 遗臭万年的一天
- Remembering the day that we'll live in infamy. 记住这一天,我们将生活在臭名中。
- His name will live in infamy, ie He will always be held in disgrace. 他的名字将与耻辱共存.
- Yesterday December 7,1941--a date which will Live in infamy--United States of America,was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,1941年12月7日,将成为我国的国耻日。美利坚合众国遭到日本帝国海、空军有预谋的突然袭击。
- Yesterday December 7, 1941--a date which will Live in infamy--United States of America, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,1941年12月7日,将成为我国的国耻日。美利坚合众国遭到日本帝国海、空军有预谋的突然袭击。
- Yesterday December7,1941 - - a date which will Live in infamy - - United States of America,was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,1941年12月7日,将成为我国的国耻日。美利坚合众国遭到日本帝国海、空军有预谋的突然袭击。
- His name will live in infamy. 他的名字将与臭名共存。
- That will be C yuan for a day return. 售票员: 当天往返票是C元。
- Without rules,people will live in a state of chaos. 若无规则,人们将在混乱状态中生活。
- Tomorrow, a day that is filled with the hope! 明天,一个充满希望的日子!
- Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,一九四一年十二月七日,这一天将永留历史成为最可耻的一日--美国在毫无预警之下遭到日本帝国海军及空军的攻击。
- Try to imagine a day that / which lasts 25 hours. 想象一下持续25小时的一天(是怎样的)。
- Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,也就是1941年12月7日--声名狼籍的一天--美利坚合众国遭到日本帝国海军和空军的进攻。
- You could rebuild your entire life in a day. 一天之内就能重建你的一生。
- Sealed with a ring as a token of their friendship thus a timeless love began, one that will live in our hearts forever. 用一枚戒指证明他们的友情,慢慢的变成爱情,并且会在彼此心里永远的爱下去。
- It is a day that the whole world joins in the jubilation. 这是一个普天同庆的日子。
- He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation,equivocation,and mental reservation. 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
- He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation, equivocation, and mental reservation. 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
- Tell your parents not to ruin the world that you will live in. 告诉你的父母不要毁坏你将要生活的世界。
- It is better to die with honor than to live in infamy. 宁可死于名誉中,也不要活在声名狼藉下。