- Always wear gloves at a crime scene. 在犯罪现场永远要戴手套。
- It's always difficult to investigate a crime scene after it has gone cold. 事隔多年再调查一桩罪行通常是困难的。
- A 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene. 在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎枪。
- Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime scene. 现在计算机力量指令指纹文件的自动搜索去比对一个犯罪现场的印迹。
- Several flotation devices in the swimming pool at a crime scene float in this shape. 在犯罪现场的游泳池里,一些漂浮着的水管设备形成了这个形状。
- Like bumbling burglars who leave fingerprints at a crime scene, cooking oils leave their own clues. 就像在犯罪现场留下指纹的笨贼,食用油也会留下蛛丝马迹。
- Like, one look at a crime scene, you can tell what kind of shampoo a killer uses? [比如,看一眼犯罪现场,你能知道凶手用的是哪种香波吗?
- Pollak said examiners cannot testify at a trial that a suspect's fingerprints “mat ch” those found at a crime scene. Pollak说检察官在一场审讯中不能提供嫌疑犯与犯罪现场发现的指纹“相符”的证据。
- DNA fingerprinting has also been used in criminal cases,with a match of a suspect's DNA with DNA from a crime scene being used to convict suspects. DNA鉴定还被应用于侦破犯罪案件。从犯罪现场采集的DNA样本经分析鉴定,如果和嫌疑犯的DNA结构一样,那么就可以证明该嫌疑犯是犯罪分子了。
- Computer power over the last decade now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime scene. 由于过去十年计算机能力的发展,人们现在能在指纹档案中自动搜索指纹,与犯罪现场发现的指纹进行配对。
- DNA fingerprinting has also been used in criminal cases, with a match of a suspect's DNA with DNA from a crime scene being used to convict suspects. DNA鉴定还被应用于侦破犯罪案件。 从犯罪现场采集的DNA样本经分析鉴定,如果和嫌疑犯的DNA结构一样,那么就可以证明该嫌疑犯是犯罪分子了。
- Getaway cars never start first go. But all cop cars do. (They will also slide to a dramatic stop in the midst of a crime scene). 要逃命的车子永远不会一发就动,警车却永远可以,而且还会以漂亮的转弯滑进犯罪现场。
- Lens aperture - Because photography does have some inherent limitations, always create a crime scene sketch as an addendum to the photographic log. 镜头光圈-因为摄影,也有一些固有的局限性,始终创造一个犯罪现场草图作为增编,以摄影记录。
- James reese once said,"there are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being. 犯罪现场中的某些线索,据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易给收集起来检测的。
- There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear? 犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。一个人又怎么能收集起爱情、愤怒、憎恨和害怕?
- It is a crime to stuff the ballot box. 为候选人投伪造票是犯罪行为。
- There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear? 罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。一个人又怎么能收集起爱情、愤怒、憎恨和害怕?
- Human nature revolts at such a crime. 人性厌恶这样的罪行。
- There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear? 犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。一个人又怎么能收集起爱情、愤怒、憎恨和害怕?