- She buy a box of chocolates at the corner store. 她在街头小店购得一盒巧克力。
- She bought a box of chocolates at the corner store. 她在街头小店购得一盒巧克力。
- The interviewer had driven her into a corner. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
- She sat hunched (up) in a corner. 她坐在角落里缩成了一团。
- They have forced him into a corner. 他们迫使他陷入困境。
- They once had a corner on the corn market. 他们曾一度垄断了玉米市场。
- A cabinet sits in a corner of the room. 房间的一角立著一只橱柜。
- The rejects were stacked in a corner. 废品堆在角落里。
- She stood in a corner with tears rolling down(her face). 她站在角落里泪珠不断地顺着面颊滚落。
- Benny and Blanca own the corner store. 街角那家小店是宾尼和布兰卡的。
- The tools shift around in the car boot every time we turn a corner. 我们每次转弯,汽车行李箱里的工具就来回动。
- A bookstore on Dong An Road. It's at a corner, is not it? 东安路的一家书店,在一个拐角上,是不是?
- The children's shoes were all clumped together in a corner. 孩子们的鞋都堆在角落里。
- Our new street plan of the city is inset in a corner of their area map. 他们的地区地图一角插入了我们为这座城市新绘的街道图。
- He is full of danger.Benny and Blanca own the corner store. 卡洛尔是对作者影响颇深的作家。
- The two girls sat in a corner exchanging confidences. 那两个女孩子坐在角落里说著悄悄话。
- The new comer withdraw into a corner. 新来的人躲避在一个角落。
- His books were all clumped together in a corner. 他的书籍都堆在角落里。
- The monkey jabbered away in a corner. 那猴子在角落里叽里咕噜地叫个不停。
- They sat in a corner and chatted of old times. 他们坐在一个角落里畅谈过去的时光。