- The orchard in the village gives a copious harvest, and people hire many temporary farm workers to help. 村里的果园大丰收, 大家临时聘请了许多农业工人, 帮助采摘。
- A copious harvest. 大丰收
- Every star is a copious source of neutrinos. 每颗恒星都是丰富的中微子源。
- He is possessed of a copious vocabulary. 他的词汇量很大。
- a copious harvest 大丰收。
- The copious harvest of Western literary theories during 1946-1949 left us a memorable history of literary criticism. 摘要1946至1949年西方文论的丰硕成果,为我们书写了一段令人缅怀的批评史。
- She was a copious writer. 她是一位多产作家。
- Cryptosporidiosis produces a copious watery diarrhea. 隐孢子虫病会引起大量的水样便。
- Long before Altamont's arrival, he had done justice to a copious breakfast. 早在阿尔塔芒到达之前,他已吃过丰盛的早餐。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- It has been to us all a copious fountain of national, social, personal happiness. 联邦是我们国家、社会和个人幸福取之不竭的甘泉。
- It was the same for the rear which then featured more a copious shape with Lorinser double exhaust pipes. 这是相同的尾部,然后精选更是一个丰富的形状与劳伦士双重排气管的调谐器.
- The research yielded a rich harvest. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。
- EXAMPLE: Large companies need a copious supply of skilled workers to operate complex modern industries. 大公司需要大量有技能的工人,以运营现代化的产业。
- When a droplet strikes your eye, you respond by producing a copious flow of tears to try and wash the irritant away. 当这些水滴接近我们双眼时,我们的眼睛会条件反射地分泌出泪水试图洗掉这种刺激感。
- We have a plenteous harvest this year. 我们今年取得了大丰收。
- The vehemence of my agitation brought on a copious bleeding at the nose, and still Heathcliff laughed, and still I scolded. 我强烈的愤怒引起了鼻子的大量出血,希斯克利夫依旧大笑,我依旧咒骂。
- The conceit came to me of a copious grove of singing birds, and in their midst a simple harmonic duo, two human souls, steadily asserting their own pensiveness, joyousness. 我突发奇想,有一个百灵鸟欢唱的富饶园林,啁啾嘀啭之间有一对简单和谐的灵魂,坚定地道出了他们自己的忧思和欢乐。
- People have a symbiotic relationship with the Pacific Ocean in Chile and as a result, a copious bounty of seafood holds a special place at typical family supper table. 智利人与太平洋共生共存,典型的智利晚餐必不可少的就是丰富多样的海鲜。
- A copious rain began to fall. 沛然降雨。