- A bad habit in a child should be nipped in the bud. 应该尽早把孩子的坏习惯改过来。
- A 'nomad settlement' is a contradiction in terms. “流浪者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。
- A generous miser is a contradiction in terms. “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。
- If you feel a cold coming on try to nip it in the bud by keeping warm and getting a lot of sleep. 如果你感到快伤风时,那就穿得暖些,再多睡些觉,那就不会病了。
- Exclusive love is a contradiction in itself. 爱的排他性本身就是矛盾的。
- An angelical fiend is a contradiction in terms. 天使般的恶魔-这是一种自相矛盾的说法。
- Guessing his intentions, Ann had resolved to check them in the bud. 安猜到他的用意之后,决定防患于未然,使之不能实现。
- Abstract: There seems to be a contradiction in the association between McDonald's advertising and hegemonic power. 将麦当劳和霸权联系起来似乎很矛盾。
- She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud. 她想当演员,但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了。
- The revolution was nipped in the bud. 革命被扼杀在摇篮中。
- Every evil in the bud is easily crushed. 防微杜渐止大祸。
- Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud before it develops into open revolt. 必须把一切恶感在发展成公开对抗之前,就消灭于萌芽状态之中。
- You can't call a hedgehog cuddly ? that's a contradiction in terms! 你不能说刺猬逗人喜爱??那个说法,词语自相矛盾。
- If I don't nip it in the bud, he'll keep doing it. 如果我不防患于未然,他会继续干这种事的。
- It is good to nip the briar in the bud. 萌芽不伐,将折斧柯。
- The teacher nipped the disorder in the bud. 老师在秩序一开始混乱时就加以制止了。
- a contradiction in the bud 矛盾的胚芽
- It's meant to nip hurtful behavior in the bud. 它的目的是将让令人受到伤害的行为最早就湮灭。
- Mike: Nip this thing in the bud? 迈克:消灭在萌芽之中?
- You can't call a hedgehog cuddly ? that is a contradiction in terms! 你不能说刺猬逗人喜爱-那个说法在词语上自相矛盾。