- What if the issue of monarchy is decided through a constituent assembly? 通过制宪会议来解决君主制的问题如何?
- That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly? 那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍?
- Elections should then follow for a constituent assembly which would draft a constitution. 接下来应举行国民代表大会选举,他们将起草宪法。
- Q. That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly? 那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍?
- East Timor officially elected a Constituent Assembly on August 30 last year and passed the first constitution for the country in March this year. 去年8月30日,东帝汶正式选举产生了制宪议会,并在今年3月通过了这个国家的第一部宪法。
- They insist that Mr Zelaya violated the constitution by trying to convoke a constituent assembly which they fear might have prolonged his term. 政变分子们宣称,塞拉亚企图举行修宪公投的行径违反了宪法(修宪可延长拉塞亚的任期,这正是反对派不愿看到的)。
- His supporters won a majority in a Constituent Assembly, but have met stubborn resistance from a well-organised opposition. 他的支持者在宪法会议里获得了多数,但却遇到了反对派精心组织的顽强抵抗。
- The protein that is a constituent of hemoglobin. 球蛋白由血红蛋白构成的蛋白
- Sulphur is a constituent of gunpowder. 硫是火药的组分。
- A constituent element, as of a system. 成分系统的组成要素
- A constituent part; a component. 成分一个构成部分;成分
- An element in a mixture or compound; a constituent. 成份一种混合物或化合物中的成份; 组成成份
- Component. A constituent part, an element. 组件----一个组成的要素,一项元件。
- a constituent assembly. 立宪会议
- The referendum will decide the fate of monarchy and the constituent assembly elections the restructuring of the state. 公民投票将决定皇室的命运,而制宪会议选举决定国家重建。
- A constituency there trusts only sober officials. 那里的选民只信任不贪杯的官员。
- Both sides agree to get the United Nations supervise the election to the Constituent Assembly. 双方同意由联合国对立宪会议选举进行监督。
- We have also stressed on quickly going for constituent assembly elections jointly. 我们还要尽快共同举行制宪会议选举。
- Glycerol is a constituent of all fats and phospholipids. 甘油是所有脂肪和磷脂的组成部分。
- Feigenbaum said the U.S. regards the April 10th Constituent Assembly elections as a watershed event in Nepal's history. 费根鲍姆说,美国认为尼泊尔在4月10号举行的制宪会议选举是尼泊尔历史上的分水岭。