- Then Rutherford, in his unassuming white coat, made a last minute inspection tour round his laboratory, a high and wide room with a cement floor. 然后,穿着一件朴素的白色外套的卢瑟福在实验室里转了一圈,做最后一次检查。 这是一间高大的水泥地面房间。
- The cement floor has been stiffened. 水泥地面已变得坚硬了。
- The glass fell on the cement floor and broke up. 玻璃杯掉在水泥地上打碎了。
- A cement mixture used to waterproof outer walls. 涂料一种用于外墙防水的水泥混合物
- The glasses fell on the cement floor and broke up. 玻璃杯掉在水泥地上打得粉碎。
- The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up. 眼镜掉在水泥地上破掉了。
- a cement floor 水泥地板
- The bellowing of the runaway bull in the kitchen and the galloping of his hooves on the cement floor of the hallway shook the house. 逃跑的公牛在厨房里的咆哮和它在走廊水泥地上急促的蹄踏使整座房子颤抖。
- A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour . 水泥搅拌工一直搅动水泥,直到它能浇注为止。
- A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour. 水泥搅拌机把水泥搅动得可以倒出来用为止。
- Be used to decorate and protect the wood floor, cement floor and etc., Where requires excellent abrasion resistance. 用于耐磨性要求高的木地板、水泥地面等的装饰与保护。
- Introduce a cement mill of high degree of fineness and high output. 介绍一种高细高产水泥磨。
- The larvae were breeded in a cement pool (0.8m) indear. 幼体在室内水泥池(0.;8立方米)进行培育。
- Same as usual, there is cloudy odour in the air of bathhouse, on gym shoes prevent slippery layer and cement floor to chafing, give out a shrill voice. 和往常一样,更衣室的空气中弥漫着浑浊的气味,球鞋上的防滑层和水泥地面摩擦着,发出一阵阵刺耳的声音。
- The city has dozens of factories, including a cement works and a textile mill. 这个城市有几十家工厂,包括一座水泥厂和一座纺织厂。
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。
- There was another story of a couple who, along with their two children, had lost everything and were sleeping on a bare cement floor with only a thin sheet. 还有一次,有一对夫妻和他们的俩个孩子在灾难中失去了一切,只能裹著薄被单睡在光秃的水泥地上。
- The city has dozens of factories,including a cement works and a textile mill. 这个城市有几十家工厂,包括一座水泥厂和一座纺织厂。
- Cement floor paint is made by imported rutile titanium dioxide powder, imported pigment, assistants and superfine packing materials with the basis of acrylic resin. 水泥地坪漆以丙烯酸树脂为基料,精选进口金红石型钛白粉、进口颜料、助剂、外加超细填充料配制而成。
- The city has dozens of factories, including a cement works and a textile will. 这个城市有很多工厂,包括水泥厂和纺织厂。