- The university judicial committee decides punishment on a case by case basis. 大学的司法委员会根据事实基础决定对事情的惩罚。
- Thus, assessments of the costs of overcoming latecomer disadvantages must be undertaken on a case by case basis. 因此,克服迟到者缺点的费用的评估一定被以个案处理方式接手。
- The central commission should decide on a case by case basis whether the scientific research, and thereby a violation of the principle of human life, is justified. 中央委员会应该以科学研究,并因此对于人类生命原则之违背是否合理为事实基础来决定某个案例。
- Candidates must have 75% or above in attendance for each module, otherwise, he/she will not be allowed to sit for the examination (except under extenuatory circumstance on a case by case basis only). 每一科目的上课节数不少于该科目总节数的百分之七十五,否则学员将被取消考试资格。
- Candidates must have 75% or above in attendance for each module, otherwise, he/she will not be allowed to sit for the examination (except under extenuatory circumstances on a case by case basis only). 每一科目的上课节数不少于该科目总节数的百分之七十五,否则学员将被取消考试资格。
- Late application may be considered on case by case basis. 逾期之申请将视乎个别情况考虑。
- To lose a case by not appearing. 由于不到庭而败诉
- "There's a fair amount of tugging that will vary case by case. 不同的案例会有所不同,但病人都感到不少的牵引感。
- Of coz, we will have a committee to judge the case by case. 当然,我地会由联赛委员会作判断。
- Otherwise,the problems have to be handled case by case and everything becomes difficult. 否则一个人一个人地处理问题,处理不下去。
- The process is necessarily conducted case by case rather than by writing a code with rules and exceptions. 这个过程必然要一项一项地进行,而不是靠编写一部包括各种规章条例和各种例外的法典。
- Quotation based on the complexity of the search, case by case, and the location of the company. 价钱随着每个案件查询的复杂和公司地点而定。
- Otherwise, the problems have to be handled case by case and everything becomes difficult. 否则一个人一个人地处理问题,处理不下去。
- Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly. 司法的公正和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的.
- In such a case a little goes a long way. 这种情况下,一点点也有很大作用。
- In data mining, the element of a case by which the case is referenced within a case set. 数据挖掘中事例的元素,通过该元素在事例集内引用该事例。
- Each side of a case in court has its own counsel. 法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。
- R ossoneri doctor Massimiliano Sala gave an update on the injury situation, case by case. 米兰队医 马克西米利安诺-萨拉公布了队内伤兵情况。
- It is a case of the student outstripping the teacher. 这是一个学生超过老师的例子。
- No lawyer may inquire about the details of a case by various illegal means, or mislead the litigation act of any party in violation of law. 律师不得以各种非法手段打听案情,不得违法误导当事人的诉讼行为。