- The workers loaded a ship with a cargo of cotton. 工人们装了一船棉花。
- The ship taked on a cargo of cotton. 该轮已装运棉花货物。
- A cargo of steel was lost at sea. 有一货轮的钢材在海上遗失了。
- We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first-rate vessel of about 2500 tons burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from Moji to Guangzhou. 贵公司如能为我公司租一艘一级2500吨位的货轮自门司港装运棉制品至广州港我们将不胜感谢。
- The ship can carry a cargo of 1,000 tons. 这船能载一千吨货物。
- We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first-rate ve el of about 2,500 to burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from Moji to Guangzhou. 贵公司如能为我公司租一艘一级2,500吨位的货轮,自门司港装运棉制品至广州港,我们将不胜感谢。
- We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first-rate vessel of about 2,500 tons burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from Moji to Guangzhou. 运输代理人、租船等贵公司如能为我公司租一艘一级2,500吨位的货轮,自门司港装运棉制品至广州港,我们将不胜感谢。
- We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion. 我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。
- We sailed from Sweden with a cargo of paper. 我们装着一船纸从瑞典启航。
- These planes can carry a cargo of six tons. 这种飞机能载重6吨。
- The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton. 这条船大约有200吨的货物。
- 25).We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first-rate vessel of about 2,500 tons burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from Moji to Guangzhou. 贵公司如能为我公司租一艘一级2,500吨位的货轮,自门司港装运棉制品至广州港,我们将不胜感谢。
- The ship was carrying a cargo of wool from England to France. 这艘船正将羊毛货品从英国运往法国。
- a cargo of cotton 一船棉花
- The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound. 护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。
- The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986. 在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。
- We are prepared to ship to your order a cargo of the best wheat on the conditions contained in yours of the 3rd June. 按贵公司6月3日函开出的条件,我们已随时准备将最好的小麦装船,只等贵公司指示。
- We prepare to ship to your order a cargo of the best wheat on the condition contained in yours of the 3rd June. 按贵公司6月3日函开出的条件,我们已随时准备将最好的小麦装船,只等贵公司指示。
- Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits. 上涨的棉花价格减少了纺织厂的利润。
- The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1981. 一九八一年棉织品的进口量急遽上升。