- She had thought to remain a bystander. 她想保持局外人的角色。
- The old lady enquired of a bystander the reason for the delay in the Queen's arrival. 这位老夫人向那个旁观者打听王后推迟到达的原因。
- I do not think they realize I was just a bystander. 我想他们没有意识到我只是一个旁观者而已。
- I am always a bystander when danger comes. 一旦出现什么危险, 小人总是能够自外。
- A bullet went astray and killed a bystander. 一颗子弹打歪了,杀死了一个旁观者。
- Saudi Arabia as a bystander did not have that luxury. 作为旁观者的沙特阿拉伯却没有这样的余地。
- A bystander asked Johnny if he was going to arrest Diamond. 一个围观者问约翰尼他要不要逮捕戴蒙德。
- "Here you are," remarked a bystander, putting a coin into his hand. “给你,“一个旁观者说,把一些硬币放到他的手上。
- And I'd rather be a bystander, if it's good for you. 你会不会看,会不会懂,对我而言都无所谓。只是希望你,一切都要好好的。
- The unruly boy soon cleared off when a bystander threatened to call the police. 当一个观者威胁说要去叫警察时,那闹事的男孩马上溜走了。
- Joy was weeping too, but as a bystander she kept her wits about her. 小福子也落着泪,可是处在帮忙的地位,她到底心里还清楚一点。
- It is stated by a bystander that his trousers and gloves had been changed. 后有一个在场的人说,他的裤子和手套都换过了。
- The old lady inquired of a bystander the reason for the delay in the Queen's arrival. 这位老太大向旁观者讯问女皇推迟来临的原因。
- Perhaps the weakest role a person can choose to play in life is that of a bystander. 也许,在人生,人们可以选择的最弱的一个角色就是”旁观者“。
- As they speak, a bystander notices that as Mr. Garcia slowly steps closer to Mr. Patton, the latter slowly steps away. 当他们交谈时,一位旁观者注意到当嘉西亚先生慢慢向派顿先生靠近时,派顿先生就慢慢往后退。
- Howe took one of a sequence of photographs that show a clearly dazed Mr Tomlinson being helped by a bystander. 豪从一组清楚显示旁观者正在救助汤姆林森先生的照片中挑出一张说。
- Externality: the impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander. 外部性:一个人的行动对旁观者福利的影响。
- In his work, Ling Jian does not record or observe the objects unfeelingly from a standpoint of a bystander. 在他的作品中,凌健并不只是从一个旁观者的角度冷漠地观察或无情地记录。
- The U.S., he said, has 'moved from a bystander to a leader in international climate negotiations. 他说,美国在国际气候谈判中已经从旁观者变为了领导者。
- A bystander had videotaped the beating, and the tape had been released and shown on televisions across America. 一个旁观者把打人的过程拍摄了下来,录像带被送到全国各地的电视台公开播放。