- a busload of tourists 一公共汽车游客
- There are a lot of tourists there. 那里有许多观光客。
- A busload of volunteers in matching red hats was bumping along the village's rutted dirt road. 一辆满载戴着统一红帽的志愿者的汽车也在乡间绵延土路颠簸而来。
- We came up with a group of tourists. 我们赶上了一群旅游者。
- Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river? 当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?
- The definition of waste: a busload of economists plunging over a precipice with three of the seats unoccupied. 浪费的定义:一车经济学家掉下悬崖,车上空着三个座位。
- As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children. 我们从一群假日旅游者和他们大声叫喊的孩子们身边经过,向登机口走去,他们显然是累坏了,人数大概有一个公车的座位那么多。
- If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. 如果我告诉别人,一个痞子要被打崩,一车士兵要被炸飞,没人恐慌。
- Carol Willis organized a busload of black Arkansans to come to New York City to talk about what I had done as governor for and with blacks. 卡罗尔.;威利斯从阿肯色州组织了一群能够坐满公共汽车的黑人,来纽约市讲述我在担任州长期间为黑人以及与黑人共同所做的事迹。
- I attached myself to a group of tourists entering the museum. 我随著一队游客混入了博物馆。
- A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer''s barn. 一车的政治家正行驶在乡村的一条路上,突然这辆车开离了路并撞上了一个老农民的谷仓。
- The tension has been worsened by incendiary text messages, such as one that falsely said a busload of Luo women and children had been blown up by Kikuyus in western Kenya. 这种紧张情绪随着纵火犯的手机短信而引起了更大的恐慌,比如一条短信危言耸听地讲道,在肯尼亚西部,一辆满载卢奥妇女与孩童的客车被炸毁。
- A day-care center owner hijacked a busload of his students and teachers and drove them to Manila's city hall Wednesday to demand better housing and education for the children. 周三,一位托儿所所长将一汽车的学生和老师们劫持到马尼拉市政厅,要求给孩子们更好的居住环境和教育。
- The bus was rented by a party of tourists. 这辆大汽车被一批旅游者租去了。
- There are many flocks of tourists in the palace. 宫殿里有好几群游客。
- A noisy flock of tourists came into the building. 一群吵吵嚷嚷的游客走进大楼。
- There may well be a backlash, says Josef Janning of the Bertelsmann Foundation, a think-tank, if something really bad happens, such as a busload of soldiers dying while fighting the Taliban. 智库机构伯特斯曼基金会的杰宁指出,一旦发生灾难,要是一车士兵在与塔利班的战斗中牺牲,那民众定然强烈反对再次出兵。
- He conducted a party of tourists to Europe. 他率领了一个旅游团去欧洲了。
- San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。
- A mass of tourists came into the city. 大量的游客来到这个城市。