- She was a budding genius. 她是一颗冉冉升起的新星。
- The arrangement of the young leaves within a bud. 幼叶卷叠式花蕾内的幼叶的排列
- They were aware of a budding crisis. 他们意识到萌发中的危机。
- She was hardly more than a budding woman. 她还只是一个豆蔻年华的少女。
- It has a budding community growing in activity. 它有一个正在成长的萌芽社区。
- At the time she was only a bud of promise. 当时她只是个初入社交界的未婚少女。
- A: What advice do you have for a budding golf pro? 你有什麽建议要给蓄势待发的高尔夫球职业选手?
- A smile is like a budding flower. 微笑如盛开的花朵;
- One morning, I found a budding ricin. 一天早晨,我发现蓖麻出芽了。
- a budding genius 天才儿童
- She's a budding young journalist. 她是个当记者的好苗子。
- There was not a bud anywhere except a few crocuses. 到处都没有新芽,只有一些藏红花。
- Cut a bud from a good peach tree. 人一棵好的桃树上切下一个苞蕾,
- A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen. 能轻轻触摸心中的你。
- To reproduce asexually by forming a bud. 由无性生殖产生芽
- According to Jones,his classroom is full of budding geniuses. 据琼斯说,他班上全是小天才。
- If you're reading this, you are probably a budding wine enthusiast. 在读到这些的时候,你可能正是一个初露头角的葡萄酒爱好者。
- According to Jones, his classroom is full of budding geniuses. 据琼斯说,他班上全是小天才。
- A type of grafting in which the grafted part is a bud. 芽接:接穗为枝条上的芽体的一种嫁接方式。
- I cannot conceive of him as a genius. 我不能设想他会是一个天才。