- a breed of hornless cattle 一种无角羊
- Any of a breed of hornless sheep with short,thick wool,originally raised in the Cheviot Hills. 切维厄特羊原饲养于切维厄特丘陵的一种无角、毛短而厚的绵羊
- Any of a breed of hornless sheep with short, thick wool, originally raised in the Cheviot Hills. 切维厄特羊原饲养于切维厄特丘陵的一种无角、毛短而厚的绵羊
- Spaniel is a breed of dog with large ears. 西班牙猎狗是一种长着大耳朵的猎狗。
- Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling owls. 任一种象猫头鹰一样的家鸽
- The Neijiang is also a breed of pig. 在内江市也是一个品种的猪。
- One of a breed of small, black dairy cattle of Irish origin. 克立牛一种产于爱尔兰的黑色小乳牛
- Any of a breed of sheepdog originating in Australia. 澳大利亚护羊狗一种原产于澳大利亚的牧羊犬
- any of a breed of hornless sheep with short,thick wool,originally raised in the Cheviot Hills 切维厄特羊原饲养于切维厄特丘陵的一种无角、毛短而厚的绵羊
- Any of a breed of beef cattle developed in England and having a reddish coat with white markings. 赫勒福德牛在英格兰养的一种肉用牛,通体淡红,有白色斑纹
- Any of a breed of reddish cattle originally developed in the English county of Devon and raised primarily for beef. 德文牛一种毛色微红的牛的品种,原产于英国德文郡,主要用于食用牛肉
- Any of an English breed of hornless sheep with black face and black legs, raised for high-quality mutton. 萨福克羊英国良种肉羊的一种,无角、黑面、黑腿
- Any of an English breed of hornless sheep with black face and black legs,raised for high - quality mutton. 萨福克羊英国良种肉羊的一种,无角、黑面、黑腿
- One of a breed of small dairy cattle originally raised in the Channel Islands. 奥尔德尼乳牛原产于海峡群岛中的一种体型小的乳牛
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- Any of a breed of goldfish having a wide,fanlike double tail fin. 扇尾金鱼有宽的扇状双尾鳍的家养金鱼
- Any of a breed of large black and white dairy cattle originally developed in Friesland. 霍斯坦种乳牛一种原产于荷兰弗里斯兰的黑白花大奶牛
- A large sheep of a breed originating in England. 汉普夏羊产自英格兰的大个绵羊
- Any of a breed of fawn-colored dairy cattle developed on the island of Jersey and producing milk that is rich in butterfat. 泽西种乳牛一个生长在泽西岛的浅黄褐色奶牛品种,产的牛奶含有丰富的乳脂
- Any of a breed of fawn- colored dairy cattle developed on the island of Jersey and producing milk that is rich in butterfat. 泽西种乳牛一个生长在泽西岛的浅黄褐色奶牛品种,产的牛奶含有丰富的乳脂。