- The scene was one of breathtaking beauty. 美妙的景色令人叹为观止。
- This is a breathtaking boxing match. The two men act bravely. 这是一场激动人心的拳击赛,两个人都表现得勇敢。
- a breathtaking beauty 令人惊叹的美人
- The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move. 这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作
- The Greenland Island which is the largest island in the world is a world of breathtaking beauty on top of our planet. 格陵兰岛,世界上最大的岛屿,在这个星球的顶端,充满着令人难以置信的美丽景观!
- It had been a four-hour journey, in part through the breathtaking beauty of Plumas National Forest. 这是一次四小时的旅行,路上经过了风景秀丽令人叹为观止的帕拉马国家森林。
- China's economy is developing at a breathtaking speed. 中国的经济正以惊人的速度在发展。
- Explanation: Aloha and welcome to a breathtaking skyscape. 说明: 欢迎观看如此壮观的天空景象。
- The breathtaking beauty of the rugged California wilderness has been captured under a clear, azure sky. 明朗蔚蓝的天空下面,加利福尼亚崎岖的原野美得令人惊叹不已。
- Travel is my love. I like breathtaking beauty of nature. Travelling the world is always my dream. 旅游是我的最爱,我喜欢大自然令人屏息神往的美,周游世界一直是我的梦想。
- Back then it was a place of breathtaking beauty hardscrabble poverty and rough all-consuming politics. 南起美国的亚拉巴马州,北至加拿大的纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,连绵数千公里)。
- Huh! Huh! We have done it. We're at the peak. Wow! What a breathtaking view. 呼!呼!我们到了,这里是最顶端。哇!多么令人惊叹的美景,
- The image of Karen, her breathtaking beauty, warm smile and gentle voice, stayed with Nim through the remainder of the drive downtown. 凯伦的形象,她那惊人的美貌、热情的微笑和柔和的声音在尼姆驾车去市内的路上一直在他的脑海中萦绕。
- The breathtaking beauty of the mountains seem a world away from the crowded tourist resorts that are dotted around the coast of Tenerife. 与特内利费海岸、人山人海的观光渡假村相比,这个优美的山景,彷佛是另一个世界。
- In fact, virtual reality is exploiting software and hardware of the computer to generate a simulation of an environment, such as an easeful classroom, a breathtaking action and so on. 实际上,虚拟现实就是利用计算机的软件和硬件去产生一种境界的仿真,如仿真一个学习场所,一次惊险的行为等等。
- I used to see some breathtaking beauties when I was in sheer desperation. 我总是在最深处的绝望发现最惊叹的美丽。
- Our level designers are working hard to create a breathtaking and realistic looking world. 关卡设计者正努力去创建一个令人惊叹的写实世界。
- It has a breathtaking castle and a church tower that one can see from miles and miles away. 人们可以在数英里外看到一座惊人的城堡和教堂塔楼。
- Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a breathtaking cultural landscape of great spiritual significance. 卡瓦利泽布日多夫斯津是一处将美丽风景和宗教内涵融于一身的文化景观。
- To advance or develop (something) at a particular rate or tempo: a thriller that was paced at a breathtaking speed. 训练马溜蹄:训练(马)的一种特殊步法,尤其是步态。