- a boy of transparent honesty 一个非常诚实的孩子
- He is a man of transparent honesty. 他是一位显而易见的老实人。
- It's unheard of for a boy of his age to gain university entrance. 他这样年纪的孩子上大学,可真是闻所未闻。
- How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane? 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?
- A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood . 十八岁的男孩接近成年。
- A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood. 18岁的男孩接近成年。
- He was a boy of great heart and enthusiasm. 他心地善良,热情奔放。
- I observed that he was a boy of good breeding. 我看出他是个很有教养的孩子。
- He is tall for a boy of his age. 就他这个年龄的男孩来说,他算高的。
- A boy of sixteen is often as tall as his father. 岁的男孩常常长得和他父亲一样高。
- Nobody is as sophisticated as a boy of nineteen who is just recovering from a baby- grand passion. 谁也不会象十九岁的男孩子那么别扭,他是刚刚要从“大幼儿病”恢复过来的嘛。
- A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen. 主教年届八十,仍旧像他还是个年方十八的小伙子之时被吩咐要做的那样,把那一套讲了六十多年的老话继续讲下去。
- It's quite natural that a boy of nine is thoughtless of future. 九岁的小孩子当然不会考虑到将来的事。
- This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. 这种气质在60岁的老人中比在20岁的青年中更常见。
- I don' t like to see a boy of sixteen stick up to a girl. 我不愿看到一个男孩十六岁就向女孩求爱。
- It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a Boy of fifteen! 这车是在二十年前ted十五岁时被偷走的。
- As a boy of fourteen, Einstein wanted to be a physicist when. 孩子,爱因斯坦就想长大后成为一名物理学家并从事研究工作。
- This often exists in a man of sixty more then in a boy of twenty. 拥有这种品质的六十岁老者,往往多于二十岁的年轻人。
- He is a man of transparent sincerity. 他是一个坦率诚恳的人。
- This often exists in aman of sixty more than a boy of twenty. 往往一个60岁的老者比一个20岁的青年更多一点这种劲头。