- Did you see a bluish green color? (If not go back and do the test over). 有没有看到蓝绿颜色呢?
- A moderate or dark bluish green to greenish blue. 深色的带蓝色的绿色到呈绿色的蓝色。
- Lawn really green ah, like a large green carpet. 大草坪真绿啊,像一个绿色的大地毯。
- A light bluish green to light greenish blue. 水绿色,浅绿色浅蓝绿色至淡绿蓝色
- Of a pale grayish or bluish green. 淡灰蓝色的,淡灰绿色的
- A light to brilliant bluish green. 蓝绿色一种浅而亮蓝绿色。
- All this was performed by a bluish moonlight. 这一切表演都在淡蓝色的月光下进行。
- The day was hidden by a bluish haze. 天色被隐藏在一片蔚蓝的朦胧中。
- Will this blue sofa go with the green carpet? 这张蓝沙发和绿地毯相配吗?
- Will this blue sofa go with the green carpet ? 这张蓝沙发和绿地毯相配吗?
- The subtractive primaries are cyan (a bluish green), magenta (a purplish pink), and yellow; 减色法三原色是青绿色、品红(略带紫色的粉红色)和黄色;
- A crum uf tennis clay on a green carpet up in close! 一网球粘土的图片 A crum of a tennis clay.
- We tend to perceive a bluish shade as whiter than other shades. 我们往往会认为蓝色投影比其它色调的投影要白些。
- The view across the river is as red as the fires during sunrise spring is coming, as the colour of the river tured to a bluish green 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝
- The lawn looks like a green carpet, and the garden with so many lovely flowers. 这草地看起来像是一块绿地毯,并且花园里到处都是美丽的花儿。
- Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points. 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。
- This small city and the stretch of bluish green cypresses set each other off. 这座小城掩映在一片苍山翠柏之中。
- A bluish - gray sandstone used for paving and building. 青石,蓝砂岩一种蓝灰色的沙岩,用于砌路或建筑
- At this height, the jungle looked like (a gigantic green carpet, except for the red rivers snaking through it. )(巨大的绿色毯子,唯有几条蜿蜒曲行于之上的红色河流)。。。
- For what I had entered was a room much larger than my living room in Beijing,with a standing lamp by an antique-like table on a beautiful green carpet. 因为我看到的房间比我在北京的客厅还要大。房间里铺着漂亮的绿色地毯,古色古香的桌子旁有一个落地台灯。