- Peaceful now but this hidden retreat in the Peruvian jungle was the scene of a bloody fight to the finish to ward off the Incas 600 years ago. 在和平的今天,隐藏在秘鲁丛林中的木乃伊记录了这个武士部落在600年前抗击印加人的血战。
- It will be a bloody fight for the companies involved, but the ultimate victors will be their customers, who will benefit from greater choice and lower prices. 对于那些有关联的公司来说,这是一场血腥的战争,但是最后的胜者是获得更多选择和更加低廉价格的客户。
- He got a bloody nose in the fight. 他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
- Excuse my French, but he's a bloody nuisance! 别怪我骂人,可他实在太不是东西!
- Jack came home with a bloody nose. 杰克回家来了,鼻子流著血。
- a bloody nose; your scarf is all bloody; the effects will be violent and probably bloody; a bloody fight. 流血的鼻子;你的围巾满是鲜血;这种影响会是剧烈的,而且可能是血腥的;血腥的搏斗。
- It was a bloody encounter between the two armies. 这是那两军之间的一次激烈的遭遇战。
- He came home with a bloody nose. 他满鼻子是血地回到家。
- It's a bloody shame that I failed to pass the test. 考试没过,真丢脸!
- A bloody kitchen, whether inside harbored a secret? 一个血腥的厨房,究竟里面藏着什么秘密呢?
- Don't be such a bloody fool, Jack. 杰克,你别这么傻。
- 8、Peaceful now but this hidden retreat in the Peruvian jungle was the scene of a bloody fight to the finish to ward off the Incas 600 years ago. 在和平的今天,隐藏在秘鲁丛林中的木乃伊记录了这个武士部落在600年前抗击印加人的血战。
- The police found a bloody handkerchief on the spot. 警察在现场发现了一块染血的手帕。
- Bess got a Bloody letter yesterday. 贝丝昨天收到一封残酷的信
- Yuck! Appears to be a bloody tic. See large size! 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- Her head was wrapped in a bloody bandage. 她的头上缠着带血的绷带。
- I had an argument about politics yesterday with a friend-he argued very cleverly, and I got a bloody nose. 昨天我与一位朋友争论政治问题-他争论得很高明,我输给他了。
- a bloody fight 一场血腥的战斗
- Matt saw his dog limping on a bloody leg and jumped to the conclusion that it had been shot. 马特见他的狗跛着一条血淋淋的腿,就武断地说它是被人用枪打伤的。
- a bloody fight. 一场血腥的战斗