- By surrounding the city our troops achieved a bloodless victory. 我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。
- By surrounding the city our troops achieve a bloodless victory. 通过包围城市,我军取得了兵不血刃的胜利。
- Eliminating the option of retreating makes your threat credible and allows you to win a bloodless victory. 去掉撤退后路使得你的威吓更可信,且会让你赢得一场冷酷的胜利。
- The party staged a bloodless coup. 该政党发动了一起不流血的政变。
- a bloodless victory 不流血的胜利
- The official got his own way in the end and the rents of the council houses were raised. It wouldn't be an entirely bloodless victory though; he had stirred up a good deal of bad feeling. 这名官员到头来还是我行我素,于是政府建住宅的租金提高了。但这并非是无代价的胜利;他已经引起人们的极大不满。
- In 1986,a bloodless overthrow brought an army officer to power. 1986年,一次不流血的政变使一个军官上了台。
- What thing can let a bloodless person, , happy rise? 什么事情可以让一个没精神的人,,开心起来?
- A bloodless coup. 不流血的政变
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- A bloodless revolution in the distribution of wealth is taking place in the U. K. 在联合王国正发生一场财富分配方面的平稳变革。
- The team's supporters sang a victory chant. 拥护这个队的人有节奏地反覆喊著胜利的口号。
- A bloodless transition is what we would like and we should strive for it, but what will happen will depend on the strength of the masses. 不流血的转变是我们所希望的,我们应该力争这一着,结果将看群众的力量如何而定。
- In other words, high-tech, bloody war from the political, into a "can be bloody, it could be a bloodless political. 换句话说,高科技,使战争由流血的政治,变为了“可以是流血,也可以是不流血的政治”。
- The military stayed neutral, so it ended up being a bloodless coup where no one died. 军方在这次不流血政变中保持中立,所以在事件中无人死亡。
- A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 为了纪念胜利,建造了一座纪念碑。
- France in 1870 a bloodless revolution after the overthrow of Napoleon III, Hugo returned to Paris. 1870年法国不流血革命推翻拿破仑三世后,雨果返回巴黎。
- He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory. 他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。
- General Musharraf took power in a bloodless 1999 coup, and was later elected president by referendum. 穆沙拉夫将军1999年发动不流血政变取得权力,之后以公民投票的方式被选为总统。
- The man put up a valiant fight for victory. 这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。