- a blatantly unfair decision 明显不公正的裁决
- This is a blatantly implausible claim. 这明显是无理的要求。
- The crowd clamoured against the unfair decision. 周围的人群纷纷反对这项不合理的决定。
- The boss made an unfair decision. 这个老板作了个不合理的决定。
- How could she swallow such a blatant lie? 她怎么能轻信这个无所顾忌的谎言呢?
- The referee made an unfair decision. 裁判作出不公正的判决。
- "Up rose a blatant Radical" (Walter Bagehot). “站起一个喧嚣的激进分子” (沃尔特·白泽特)。
- A blatant mistake or misjudgment. 明显的错误或错误判断
- EC should ban any government allocation of funds, issue of land titles and so on, during campaign period because these are blatantly unfair and unashamedly used by BN at every election. 在这次补选中,若投票结果显示华裔选民的反对票大增或者投票率大减,这将反映马华和民政无法说服华裔选民把票投给巫统候选人,届时两党不仅颜面大失,还必须向国阵作出交待。
- Abstract: Limitation of adducing evidence plays an important role in deciding whether the litigants should bear the risk of unfair decision. 文章快照: 一、举证时限概述人们常说,“打官司就是打证据”,的确,证据在诉讼中的地位可谓举足轻重。
- Tell me why your decision to take the pledge shouldn't be seen as a blatant appeal to the party base, sir? 告诉我为什么您做出承诺的决定不应被看作是党派的故作姿态,先生?
- However,due to the use of alternative U.S. value of India, ignoring the fact that we provide the basis for making the final of our very unreasonable and unfair decision. 但由于美方采用替代国印度的价值,无视我方提供的事实依据,在终裁中作出了对我方极不合理、不公正的裁决。
- His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance. 他管理的傲慢作风在他对待秘书的态度上表露无遗。
- The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial. 法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
- Forgiveness is an unnatural act, and my wife was protesting its blatant unfairness. 饶恕是一个非自然的举动,而且显然并不公平,所以我妻子才会抗议。
- If at this time, Zhang Jihai satisfied, the consequence was the community had a blatantly fellow and art circle has a mediocre teacher. 如果这时,张济海沾沾自喜,那么,最多社会上添一个招摇名士,艺术圈里多一个庸常书匠。
- So autumn is a blatantly vital season, contrary to the allegations of sorrowful poets who misconstrue the message of dying leaves. 因此,秋天显然是一个生机勃勃的季节。 这与伤感的诗人们对凋零的树叶所传达的信息的误解刚好相反。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- an unfair decision, comparison, advantage 不公允的裁决、 比较、 有利地位
- Caught in a blatant lie, the scoundrel had only one regret: he wished he had lied more subtly. 那无赖的弥天大谎被当场拆穿,此时他只有一个懊悔:懊悔没有把谎话说得巧妙些。