- She turned to a blank page in her notebook. 她翻开笔记本的一张空白页。
- You can create a Web site by starting with a blank page. 还可以从一张空白页开始创建Web站点。
- Pansy was really a blank page, a pure white surface. 帕茜实在是一张白纸,毫无瑕疵。
- Access will create a blank page and open it in Design view. Access将创建一个空白页,并在“设计”视图中打开它。
- In Publisher, I start with a blank page the same size as my final catalog. 在Publisher中,我从空白页开始,其大小与最终目录的大小相同。
- Previously, China was a blank page in the history of this risky sport. 在此之前,中国在这项冒险运动史上一直是空白。
- To better isolate and see what each visual aid does, it might help to create a blank page and insert a few elements. 为了更好地确定和了解每个视觉帮助的用途,创建一个空白网页然后插入一些元素可能比较有帮助。
- To delete a blank page at the end of the document, go to the end of the document and delete any extra paragraph marks. 要删除文档末尾的空白页面,请转到文档的末尾,并删除所有多余的段落标记。
- Or you can change a blank page into a virtual tour around your business to complement your About Us page. 还可以将空白页更改为关于业务的虚拟漫游,以便补充“关于我们”页面。
- For example, you can change a blank page into a Web log (blog) page to communicate with your customers. 例如,可将空白页更改为Web日志(博客)页,以便与客户交流。
- Pansy was really a blank page, a pure white surface, successfully kept so; she had neither art, nor guile, nor temper. 帕茜实在是一张白纸,毫无瑕庇。她不会装模作样,弄虚作假,也没有脾气。
- You can also create a content page by starting with a blank page and adding the appropriate directive. 此外,还可以从空白页开始并添加适当的指令来创建内容页。
- If you open Teletext for a channel that does not have Teletext, a blank page will display. 如果为不具有Teletext的频道打开Teletext,则会显示空白页。
- After you have a blank page, you will need to set it up so that it's the size and orientation you want. 在出现空白页面之后,您需要设置该页面以使其符合您所需的大小和方向。
- If the Self-test prints a blank page, check to make sure that the tape has been removed from the print cartridge. 对于不同的打印机型号,自检页的打印方法有所不同。在惠普产品随附提供的用户指南中查找操作指南。
- In my opinion every Flash design should include a loading screen. It's annoying looking at a blank page wondering if your browser is loading properly. 依我看,Flash设计应该包括下载屏幕,浏览空白屏幕,用户会厌烦,他们可能认为你的浏览器有问题。
- To delete a blank page in your document, put your cursor at the start of the page that you want to delete, and then press BACKSPACE. 要删除文档中的空白页面,请将光标放在要删除的页面的开始处,然后按Backspace。
- Finally, when you first open FrontPage, you'll notice that a blank page called new_page_1. Htm has been created for you. 最后;当您刚刚打开FrontPage时;您将注意到FrontPage已为您创建了一个名为new_page_1.;htm的空白网页。
- See how to start with a blank page and design catalog entries using information stored in a Microsoft Office Excel 2003 worksheet. 我们来了解一下如何从一个空白页面开始,使用存储在Microsoft Office Excel 2003工作表中的信息来设计目录项。
- A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output. 一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。