- a big stupid lubberly fellow. 一个十分愚蠢粗笨的人。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- The prophet, his fan stupid a big mouth! 愚蠢的预言家,自己扇了自己一个大嘴巴!
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。
- He travels in carpets for a big London firm. 他为伦敦的一家大公司到处推销地毯。
- She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree. 她正坐在一棵大橄榄树的树荫下。
- He's a big man in more ways than one. 他是个了不起的人--在很多方面。
- One loses oneself easily in such a big city. 在这样的大城市里很容易迷路。
- In the storm we take refuge under a big tree. 在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在一棵大树下。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- Let's talk up the game and get a big crowd. 咱们把这场比赛大肆宣扬一下,以便吸引更多的观众。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- Karl is ambitious to be a big bug. 卡尔野心勃勃,想当大人物。
- The lard was tried in a big kettle. 这猪油在大锅熬炼。
- He knocked a big hole in the wall. 他把墙撞出了一个大洞。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- Look! There's a big cockroach on your desk light. 看啊!有只大蟑螂在你的台灯上。