- The Tramp was a big step forward. 影片《流浪汉》是一个巨大的进步。
- We've made a big step forward in our studies. 我们在学习中前进了一大步。
- Just having the chance to talk together was a big step forward. 有机会在一块谈谈就是向前迈进了一大步。
- This is a big step forward from the days of juggling jumpers in an ISA bus PC. 这从在ISA公共汽车PC的变戏法的跳线开关的日子向前是大步。
- SWAT 4 took a big step forward from its predecessor in regard to squad control, with an easy-to-use graphic command interface. SWAT 4使用简易操作的图象命令界面,在小队控制方面相对于前作是个很大的进步。
- IT IS, declares China's foreign ministry, a “big step forward” in its handling of foreign journalists in the country. 这就是,中国外交部所宣称的,对外国记者在这个国家的管理“所迈出的一大步”。
- The Bill is now under scrutiny by the Bills Committee. Its enactment will mark a big step forward in the efforts to enhance building safety. 条例草案正由法案委员会审议,如获得通过,将会令加强楼宇安全的工作向前跨进一大步。
- Though not as elegant as a direct cap on the tax exclusion, this proposal is both a big step forward and politically palatable. 虽然这个提议没有直接限制减税,但它却是医改计划前进的一大步,并且在政治上容易得到认同。
- "Electric cars would be a big step forward," said Greenpeace executive director Gerd Leipold on a visit to Beijing this week. “电动汽车将是向前迈出的一大步”绿色和平组织执行主任Gerd.
- Digital certificates took a big step forward in June when Netscape shipped the Communicator 4.0 Web client with support for X.509,Version 3,a digital certificate standard. 今年6月,当Netscape公司交付支持X.;509三版数字证明标准的Communicator 4
- That is why the results of three German expeditions by the vessel Polarstern to the Weddell Sea, published in the current issue of Nature, are a big step forward. 德国人曾三次乘极地号到威德尔海进行考察,他们的考察结果刊登在这期的《自然》杂志上,因为深海取样很难,所以他们的发现被认为是领域研究中的一个大进步。
- They have made a big step in their business. 他们在事业上迈进了一大步。
- Digital certificates took a big step forward in June when Netscape shipped the Communicator 4.0 Web client with support for X.509, Version 3, a digital certificate standard. 今年6月,当netscape公司交付支持x.;509三版数字证明标准的communicator4
- PS: I think Nelson had a pretty exemplary weekend in Sepang and it was a big step forward from Australia where there were a lot of problems that were not of his own making. 答:我想二少在大马的表现可圈可点,并且比澳洲有了很大的进步,澳洲存在很多的问题即便有些不是他的错。
- To overcome them and take the productive forces and production a big step forward, all localities and co-operatives should draw up their own long-range plans. 为了克服这种保守思想,使生产力和生产向前发展一大步,一切地方,一切合作社,都要做出自己的长期计划来。
- This friendship took a big step forward 10 years ago with the establishment of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong to foster not only closer ties with the business sector but also the rest of the community. 十年前,香港澳洲商会成立,不但加强了香港与澳洲的商业联系,两地人民的关系也益形密切,双方的友谊向前跃进一大步。
- JT is training with the group and that is a big step forward, so if he is playing in a short period time, it will not be a surprise,' Mourinho told Chelsea TV after training on Friday. “jt已经开始和球队一起训练,这是个大进步,所以如果他很快就能上场,这一点也不奇怪,”穆帅在周五的训练完毕后告诉切尔西电视台。
- All that sth. has done for our society seems like a big step forward in the right/wrong direction, but it has also brought along with it a great worry /benefit to...(the average people. 某事物(如克隆、经营管理机构改革等)对于我们的社会似乎在正确(错误)的方向走出了一大步,但同时也给普通大众带来了极大的忧虑(好处)。
- ANSA said that China's Shenzhou VII spacecraft was successfully launched and returned to the ground, is a historic space exploration, space exploration technology China marks a big step forward. 安莎社说,中国的神舟七号飞船成功发射和返回地面,是一个历史性的空间探测行动,标志着中国空间探测技术向前迈进了一大步。