- Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. 听上去好像足以应付一整支坦克装甲师。
- A battalion of Nassau, seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there. 纳索的一营兵,七百人,在那里遭到了歼灭。
- In barracks all the officers of a battalion mess together. 在营房里,全营军官都在一起吃饭。
- Jack: Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. 听上去好像足以应付一整支坦克装甲师。
- Will he make you all officers over a regiment or a battalion of soldiers? 他能立你们各人作千夫长、作百夫长吗?
- A battalion of bulletproof vehicles speeds around the dusty streets of Costa Rica. 防弹汽车车队在尘土飞扬的哥斯达黎加街道上飞奔。
- A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day. 一营久经战阵的新闻发布官也接到命令,二十四小时都处于紧急戒备状态。
- The 15th AAA that was at the Chosin was wiped out with a battalion of the 31st Inf regt and the 1st Battalion, 32nd Inf Regt. 在长津水库,第15高炮营与第31步兵团的1个营、第32步兵团1营一起被全歼了。
- Though Hannibal wisely fled, first to Crete and then to Bithynia, a battalion of Roman soldiers soon found him. 汉尼拔十分机智,先逃到克里特,再逃到比尼亚提,但一营罗马军队不久就找到他。
- Taking up the rear was a battalion of the Leibstandarte that had motored south from Berlin at a few hours' notice. 作为后卫部队,警卫旗队在几个小时公告后,从柏林摩托化出发。
- France is sending a battalion of troops to eastern Afghanistan to free up American marines, who will be redeployed in the troubled south. 法国即将派遣一批部队前往阿富汗东部地区接替那里的美国海军陆战队,以便让他们可以部署到动乱的阿富汗南部地区。
- Continuing the northward movement of his division from Wonsan, Smith ordered Murray to advance a battalion of the 5th Marines to Chigyong, eight miles southwest of Hamhung. 在将陆战1师从元山继续向北推进的同时,史密斯命令默雷把陆战5团的一个营调动到定坪,即咸兴西南8英里的位置。
- A battalion of Nassau, seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there.The outside of the wall, against which Kellermann's two batteries were trained, is gnawed by grape-shot. 轻装队士兵从低处回射,六个人对付两百,奋不顾身,唯一的屏障只是草丛,他们坚持了一刻钟,六个人同归于尽。
- A battalion of brick buildings along the riverfront in Apalachicola reverses time some 170 years, back to the town’s heyday as a thriving shipping port for cotton. 沿岸大群的砖房仿佛将您拉回到170年前的阿巴拉契科拉,那段岁月是阿巴拉契科拉值得骄傲的巅峰期,当时的阿巴拉契科拉还是个欣欣向荣的运输港,负责运输棉花。
- A battalion of landscape architects, floral designers and sculptors, gardeners and lawn maintenance personnel turned Beijing into the cleanest, greenest city it could be. 众多的风景建筑师、花艺师、雕塑家、园艺师和草地管理人员尽可能把北京变成一个最干净、最绿色的花园城市。
- Now that the Red Army was seriously weakened, with less than a battalion of men on the Jinggang Mountains, the Kuomintang army from both Jiangxi and Hunan launched an attack at dawn on August 30 on the mountain stronghold. 8月30日凌晨,湘赣国民党两军各一部,乘井冈山守军不足一个营时,进犯井冈山。
- Attempting to stop the spread of the virus, a battalion of health workers wearing protective clothing, goggles and rubber boots spread out around the neighborhood spraying disinfectant on buildings. 为尽量控制病毒传播,一组由身着防护衣,带着护目镜并穿着橡胶靴子的卫生部工作人员组成的队伍围绕邻近地区的建筑物喷洒消毒水。
- I was there with that battalion of the 31st. 我当时在第31步兵团的那个营里。
- The town was garrisoned by a battalion . 该镇由一营(士兵)驻守。
- A battalion has three companies. 一营有三个连。