- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。
- The bandits set up a bank robbery. 土匪筹划劫银行。
- The cops were tipped off about a bank robbery. 警察获悉一条银行抢劫案的线索。
- The Spanish police have refused to extradite a man wanted for a bank robbery in France. 西班牙警方拒绝引渡一个在法国抢劫银行而被通缉的人。
- The police arrested the men in connection with a bank robbery. 警察拘留了与一次银行抢劫案有牵连的那几个人.
- Boss:John Dillinger how much time can you use a bank robbery? 黑帮老大:"约翰?迪林格,你用多少时间能抢劫一家银行?"
- Boss:John Dillinger, how much time can you use a bank robbery? 黑帮老大:“约翰迪林格,你用多少时间能抢劫一家银行?”
- A few months ago, there was a bank robbery in Stamford. 几个月前;有一次银行抢劫发生在斯坦福德.
- There was a bank robbery last night, and the thieves got away with $1,700,000. 昨晚发生了一场银行抢劫案,抢匪抢走了170万美元。
- The spanish police have refuse to extradite a man want for a bank robbery in france. 西班牙警方拒绝引渡一个在法国抢劫银行而被通缉的人。
- When someone gets killed during a bank robbery by Deans, half-breed Billy Two Hats( Gregory Peck and Desi Arnaz, Jr. 一部内容不落俗套的西部动作片,外景在以色列的沙漠地带拍摄。
- However, a bank robbery he was bankrupt, when he decided to repay that sum deposits astronomical. 但一次银行遭抢劫导致他破了产,当他决定偿还那笔天文数字般的存款。
- When there is a bank robbery, the police first look through their computers for the names of bank robbers they know about. 当发生一桩银行抢劫案时,警察首先通过电脑查阅到他们知道的银行盗贼的名字。
- Authorities have charged one suspect and are searching for a second in the fatal shooting of a Philadelphia police officer after a bank robbery. 当局起诉了一名嫌疑犯并继续搜索另一名涉嫌在一场银行抢劫案中枪杀了一名费城警局警官的嫌疑犯。
- Didn't turn a hair during the bank robbery. 在抢劫银行发生的过程中,没有露出丝毫慌张的神色
- The gang were/ was planning a robbery of a bank. 这伙歹徒正在计划抢劫一家银行。
- The proceeds of the robbery is laundered through a bank in the Caribbean. 抢劫来的钱通过加勒比海地区一家银行“洗烫”使其貌似合法。
- The police feel sure that Sutton had a hand in the Boston bank robbery. 警方认为沙顿肯定参加了波士顿银行抢劫案。
- The gang were / was planning a robbery of a bank. 这伙歹徒正在计划抢劫一家银行。
- perpetrate a crime; pull a bank robbery. 犯罪;犯的是银行抢劫罪。