- I came down with a bad case of tuberculosis. 我得了严重的肺结核。
- He's got a bad case of the morning after the night before groaning in bed. 他躺在床上不断的呻吟,昨天晚上他喝得太多了。
- I've got such a bad case of dust contamination,I can barely move! 我遭灰尘污染得厉害,几乎动不了!
- a bad case of the gimmies 贪婪的坏事例
- I suddenly have a bad case of horripilation. Was I being set up? 我突然感到一阵不安。我会不会中计了?
- It is a case of the student outstripping the teacher. 这是一个学生超过老师的例子。
- "The Congress is suffering from a bad case of amnesia," Toomey wrote. “国会患上了糟糕的健忘症。”图米写道。
- It left Germany with lost jobs and a bad case of postindustrial angst. 此次转移还导致了德国出现大量工作岗位的减少和失业焦虑。
- It put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. 那事让我整天再也没了好心情。
- The cancellation of the planputs him in a bad mood. 计划的取消使他很不开心。
- One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. 幸福并不是你经历过的事情,而是你记得的事情。
- Marks from a bad case of acne. I was always happy when it was a gray rather than a sunshiny day. 严重的痘痘疤痕。我只是高兴这玩意至少是灰色而不是太阳出来一样红彤彤的。
- We reported a case of GS of the uterine cervix. 这种肉瘤含有不成熟的颗粒细胞。
- Ron was seriously affronted when a medieval wizard called out that he clearly had a bad case of spattergroit. 哈利的感觉从来没有像现在这么坏过。
- A born salesman, he could convince someone with a bad case of acrophobia to sign up for a life membership in a sky-diving club. 他是个天生的推销员,能劝说患严重恐高症的人参加特技跳伞俱乐部做终生会员。
- Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil. 罗切斯特安慰她说这只是一个恶梦,但清晨简却发现了被撕破的婚纱碎片。
- The groom had a bad case of cold feetin the weeks before the wedding, but his anxiety vanished every time he saw his beautiful bride-to-be. 新郎在结婚前几周开始变得杞人忧天,但他每次见到未来的妻子时,所有的忧虑都会消失。
- CSIRO cites a worst case of 20% less water in 20 years and 50% in 50 years. CSIRO的最坏估计是,二十年内减少20%25的流量,五十年内减少50%25的流量。
- It's a case of the more the merrier. 情况是人愈多愈高兴.
- What is your most marked characteristic? Marks from a bad case of acne. I was always happy when it was a gray rather than a sunshiny day. 你最突出的特质是什么?严重的痘痘疤痕。我只是高兴这玩意至少是灰色而不是太阳出来一样红彤彤的。