- a Danish open sandwich 丹麦式单片三明治.
- Dynamics of denitrification potential in a Danish forest soil. 丹麦森林土壤反硝化作用的动力学分析
- This is a Danish sausage. And this is Carlsberg, our famous beer. 路人:这是丹麦香肠。这是我们丹麦著名的卡尔斯堡啤酒。
- During that week, he came four times to get a Danish old testament. 当周,这位历史宗教青年为了拿到丹麦文的旧约圣经,来到船上四次。
- We live forwards, a Danish thinker has said, but we understand backwards. 一位丹麦思想家曾说过,我们的生活是向前的,但是我们的认识却是向后的。
- Greenland has had some autonomy since 1979 after 300 years as a Danish colony. 格陵兰曾作为丹麦的殖民地有300年之久,在1979年才获得部分自治权。
- COWI is a Danish based consulting group with a strong international focus. COWI是一家丹麦的咨询公司,十分关注于国际市场。
- He bought a canned cod and a sandwich as supper. 他买了一个鳕鱼罐头和一个三明治作晚饭。
- A Danish pastry. 丹麦酥皮饼
- Let's grab a sandwich and go to see the film. 让我们赶快吃个三明治就去看电影吧。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- A usually open sandwich topped with melted cheese 三明治:顶部通常涂有融化的奶酪的三明治
- I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite. 我需要一份三明治以解腹中之饥。
- But a Danish study last year of 400,000 mobile phone users showed no increased cancer risk. 而丹麦在去年对40万手机用户所作的一项研究却表明手机不会增加得癌症的风险。
- Let's grab a quick sandwich and watch TV. 咱们赶快吃个三明治就去看电视吧。
- Twelve simple drawings in a Danish newspaper have caused anger and mayhem around the Islamic world. 丹麦报纸刊登的十二副简单的漫画造成整个穆斯林世界的愤怒和动乱。
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。
- In May, a Danish project began sending power through superconducting cables to 150 000 homes in Copenhagen. 5月,丹麦开始通过超导电缆向哥本哈根的15万户家庭输送电力。
- A bite had been taken out of my sandwich. 我的三明治给咬去了一口。
- TDC, a Danish telecoms group, recently announced it was cutting the interest rate it agreed to pay to lenders just 12 months ago. 丹麦的电信集团TDC最近要求降低一个一年前签订的贷款合约的利率。