- A tiled surface. 瓦面,砖面铺瓦的平面
- A tiled floor is easy to brush clean. 瓷砖地板容易打扫干净。
- The game will tell you when a tile is not free. 当麻将牌不是自由状态时游戏会提示您。
- Choose a tile image for desktop access buttons. 为桌面访问按钮选择一个平铺图像。
- Choose a tile image for window list buttons. 为窗口列表按钮选择一个平铺图像。
- Choose a tile image for Quick Browser buttons. 为快捷浏览按钮选择一个平铺图像。
- When cleaning,neverburnish tile surface or use hydrofluoric acid or such corrosive chemicais to clean tile sueface. 搞卫生时严禁在砖面上打磨或用氢氟酸等腐蚀性强的化学物质清洁砖面。
- Why not consider a tiled base for the mattress as a bed solution? 为什么不想想用瓷砖来铺搭一张床呢?
- No need to use water during rubbing.When cleaning,neverburnish tile surface or use hydrofluoric acid or such corrosive chemicais to clean tile sueface. 搞卫生时严禁在砖面上打磨或用氢氟酸等腐蚀性强的化学物质清洁砖面。
- A tile is an image used to fill an area with a repeated pattern. 贴图是指用重复的样式来填充一块区域所使用的图像。
- Choose a tile image for buttons that launch applications. 为启动应用程序按钮选择一个平铺图像。
- Clean the stain-resisting agent on tile surface in the following steps:First use household stainlesssteel wool to rud it lightly(or rud it with sawdust),and then use clean cloth to wipe it. 砖面防污剂按如下步骤清除:先用家用不锈钢丝球轻擦(或用木糠加力擦),再用干净抹布抹净即可,在擦拭的过程中不用加水。
- For clarity, the first line of text in a tile is always the item's name. 为明晰起见,平铺视图中的第一行文本始终是项名。
- That house, which is made of cyan bricks and has a tile roof, is his. 那片青堂瓦舍就是他的家。
- Deep Hydra: Six-Headed Attack Deep Hydras are huge creatures occupying a 2x2 tiles surface on the battlefield. 深渊多头蜥:六头攻击深渊多头蜥是巨大的生物,它在战场上会占据4个格子(2*2)。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。
- Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder. 在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。
- The calm water surface is very much like a mirror. 那平静的水面十分象一面镜子。
- Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector. 在伯克利进行的从“星尘”号彗星尘埃收集器中提取楔石。