- Jahnke will appear before magistrates in Cambridge tomorrow charged with a public order offence. 扬克明天将因扰乱公共秩序罪名出庭受审。
- Martin Jahnke, 27, a researcher at Cambridge University, denied committing a public order offence on 2 February. 马丁 杨克,27岁,现为剑桥大学研究员,拒绝了在二月二日冒犯了公共秩序的指控。
- "Jahnke will appear before magistrates in Cambridge tomorrow charged with a public order offence. 希望这位学生可以认识到自己的错误,同时寻求理解一个真正发展中的中国。”
- The protester was then led out of the building by proctors and security staff before being arrested and charged with a public order offence by police. 保安将这名抗议者带离会场后移交给警方将其拘捕并以扰乱社会秩序罪对其进行起诉。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 这个月的第一天是一个公共假日。
- Jahnke will appear before magistrates in Cambridge tomorrow charged with a public order offence. The 27-year-old German national is a postgraduate student in pathology at the university. 扬克明天将因扰乱公共秩序罪名出庭受审。这个27岁的德国人是剑桥大学的病理学在读研究生。
- A public speaker needs a voice that carries (well). 演说家要有(很远都能听到的)洪亮嗓音。
- It's the duty of the police to preserve the public order. 维护公共秩序是警察的职责。
- A public square or street with houses in a town. 广场,街:镇上的公共广场或有房屋的街
- A sign or notice for display in a public place. 布告标语牌为在公共场合展示的通知或标语
- A public celebration or spectacular pageant. 盛典公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行
- A public container for deposit of outgoing mail. 邮筒为存放外寄信件而设的公用盒箱
- There is a public enclosure of a racecourse. 那儿有个作赛马场的公共圈地。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。
- The chief incident in the day was the C.O.'s "order group". 这一天的重要事件是指挥官的“命令发布会”。
- The army's task was the restoration of public order. 军队的任务是要去恢复公共秩序。
- The program is presented by the network as a public service. 该节目作为一项公共服务在该网络上播出。
- A public meeting place for open discussion. 公共集会场地用于公开讨论的公众聚集处
- The treasury of a public institution. 金库一个公共机构的金库