- He relapsed into a moody silence. 他又重新陷于忧郁的沉默中。
- She sat in a moody silence. 她闷闷不乐又一声不响地坐着。
- He relapsed into a moody silence 他又重新陷于忧郁的沉默中。
- After a moody silence he broke out in an ill-used tone 一阵不愉快的沉默之后,他粗声粗气脱口而出地说。
- He's a moody guy, one day happy, the next day sad. 他是个情绪化的人;今天兴高采烈;明天就会情绪低落.
- Chang Su-su appeared to be upset and sat in moody silence. 张素素却似乎感触很深,默默地在出神。
- Mary is a moody and uncheerful person. 玛丽很忧郁、不快乐的。
- He's a moody guy, one day ha y, the next day sad. 他是个情绪化的人;今天兴高采烈;明天就会情绪低落.
- He was seated near me, and I could not help noticing his moody silence. 他就坐在我的身旁,我不觉发现了他那不悦的沉默。
- a moody silence. 郁闷的沉默
- At first I ascribed his long moody silences to depression. 起初,我把他这种长时间寡欢少语归因于情绪低落。
- At first I ascribed his long moody silences to depression . 起初,我把他这种长时间寡欢少语归因于情绪低落。
- The director created a moody atmosphere throughout the whole movie. 导演在此部电影中营造了一种感伤的气氛。
- He sat in moody silence. 他郁闷地坐着,一声不吭。
- They all maintained a reverent silence. 他们都保持肃静。
- The murderer is a moody person. He gave the man a murderous blow. No one knows his motive. 凶手是个易怒的人,他给那人致命一击,没有知道他的动机。
- For a while they all kept silence. 有一会儿,他们都保持沉默。
- A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall. 一阵可怕的寂静突然笼罩着整个厅堂。
- For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everyting? 随着年岁与智慧的增长,我认识到她是一个杰出非凡的人。
- They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他们肃立向她致敬。