- glad you are here; glad that they succeeded; gave a glad shout; a glad smile; heard the glad news; a glad occasion 很高兴你在这儿;很高兴他们成功了;发出欢呼;喜悦的微笑;听到喜悦的消息;喜悦的时候
- glad you are here; glad that they succeeded; gave a glad shout; a glad smile; heard the glad news; a glad occasion. 很高兴你在这儿;很高兴他们成功了;发出欢呼;喜悦的微笑;听到喜悦的消息;喜悦的时候。
- A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance. 愉悦的表情来自乐观的心。
- After a long separation, they held a glad meeting. 阔别多年之后, 他们举行了一个令人愉快的聚会。
- After a long separation,they held a glad meeting. 阔别多年之后,他们举行了一个令人愉快的聚会。
- The wedding was on a glad day in May. 婚礼是在阳光明媚的一个五月天举行的。
- a glad occasion. 令人高兴的场合
- A glad shock had coursed through him when he first saw Pamela. 他第一次见到帕米拉时,通身都有一种惊喜交集的感觉。
- A glad heart brightens the face, a sad one weighs down the spirit. 心中愉快,使面容焕发,心中悲伤,精神即颓丧。
- A wise son make a glad father; but a foolish man despise his mother. 智子悦父,呆儿忤母。
- A funeral is a melancholy occasion. 葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。
- On that occasion he looked a perfect fool. 在这个场合,他看起来就像一个大傻瓜。
- The first thing that Tom heard on Friday morning was a glad piece of news. 汤姆星期五早上听到的第一件事是个好消息。
- A wedding is an occasion for celebration. 婚礼是欢庆的时刻。
- Tonight is a very special occasion. 今晚是非同寻常的日子。
- The dinner was a relaxed, unceremonious occasion. 那次宴会很轻松,随随便便。
- The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace. 万军之耶和华如此说:四月、五月禁食的日子,七月、十月禁食的日子,必变为犹大家欢喜快乐的日子和欢乐的节期;所以你们要喜爱诚实与和平。
- The occasion calls for a cool head. 在这样情况下需要有冷静的头脑。
- This is what the LORD Almighty says: "The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. 万军之耶和华如此说,四月五月禁食的日子,七月十月禁食的日子,必变为犹大家欢喜快乐的日子,和欢乐的节期。
- On another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. 还有一次,他在一个废弃的停车场着陆。