- Still, he had a first baseman's glove ready in his locker. 不过在他的置物柜仍准备好一垒手手套。
- A first baseman. 一垒手
- With nearly all of the starting lineup set to return in 2007, the only offense the Yankees have to concern themselves with in the coming months will be their bench players and possibly a first baseman. 而且先发打线成员2007年也几乎都会留在阵中,洋基队在这几个月之中只需要注意板凳球员是否该补强一名一垒手。
- This is the first baseman, and this is a pitcher. 这是第一个垒手。这是一个投手。
- She got a first in maths at Exeter. 她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。
- She took a first in English at Leeds. 她在利兹时英语获得优等。
- She took a first class in Oxford. 她在牛津大学获得头等优异成绩。
- A well-tied tie is a first serious step in life. 结得整整齐齐的领带,是人生严肃的第一步。
- The ball slipped from the first baseman's glove. 棒球从一垒手的手套滑掉了。
- She got a first in English at Oxford. 她在牛津大学学习英文,获优等学位。
- The first baseman made 15 putouts. 一垒手出局了15次。
- He was maimed in a First World War battle. 他在第一次世界大战的一埸战斗中受伤致残。
- The batter fouled out to the first baseman. 击球员击出界外球被对方一垒手球接住而出局。
- I'd like a first class ticket to Warsaw for this Sunday. 我要一张本星期日飞往华沙的头等机票。
- A name before one's surname; a first name. 名在姓之前的名; 第一个名字
- Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman? 他会在生涯中首次担任一垒手的工作吗?
- They could also go after first baseman Mark Teixeira. 他们同时可能竞逐一垒手MarkTexeira。
- As a first step will you please make your claim on the enclosed form. 索赔的第一步骤是需要阁下填妥附上的表格。
- My mother entered the local flower show just for fun and got a first. 我母亲仅仅因好玩而参加了本地的花卉展,结果得了第一名。
- Her English writing is not bad to a first learner. 对一个初学者来说她的英语写作不算坏。