- Nothing in this Treaty shall limit or constrain the freedom of a Contracting Party to protect and promote cultural diversity. 本条约的任何内容均不得限制或制约缔约方保护和促进文化多样性的自由。
- In addition,China has attended all the sessions of the Third Conference on the Law of the Sea of the United Nations (UNCLOS) and joined the formulation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,thus becoming a contracting party to the latter. 中国参与了联合国第三次海洋法会议的历次会议和《联合国海洋法公约》的制定工作,并成为缔约国。
- (iv) other decisins of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947; (iv)GATT 1947缔约方全体的其他决定;
- - which becomes a contracting party to the GATT 1947 between 15 April 1994 and the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement - 在自1994年4月15日起至《WTO协定》生效之日止期间成为gatt 1947的缔约方者,
- - which became a contracting party under Article XXVI:5(c) of the GATT 1947 before 15 April 1994 and was not in a position to establish a schedule to GATT 1994 and the GATS for inclusion in the Final Act, and - 在19944年4月15日之前根据gatt 1947第26条第5款(c)项成为gatt 1947缔约方、但无法制定gatt l994和GATS减让表以包含在《最后文件》中者,及
- The parties to a contract require capacity or ability to contract. 合同当事人具备签约能力。
- (b) The WTO Agreement shall be open for acceptance in accordance with Article XIV of that Agreement by contracting parties to GATT 1947 the schedules of which have been so submitted and approved before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement. (b) 《WTO协定》应开放供减让表已在《WTO协定》生效之前提交并获批准的gatt 1947缔约方依照《WTO协定》第14条接受。
- A party to the contract defaulted. 订契约的一方未到场。
- The Committee shall annually inform the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT of developments during the period covered by such review. 委员会应每年将审议所涉时期的发展情况通知gatt缔约方全体。
- He is a party to the conspiracy. 他参与了那次阴谋。
- A Contracting Party may provide that no filing date shall be accorded until the required fees are paid. 缔约方可规定在规费缴纳之前不得确定申请日期。
- No Office of a Contracting Party may, for the purposes of effecting the renewal, examine the registration as to substance. 任何缔约方不得为实施续展而就注册进行实质审查。
- The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of twelve months from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT. 退出应在gatt缔约方全体的总干事收到书面退出通知之日起12个月期满后生效。
- The Office of a Contracting Party shall correct its own mistakes, ex officio or upon request, for no fee. 缔约方商标主管机关在其职权范围内改正本机关的错误,或被要求改正其错误时,不收任何费用。
- He sent out a party to spy the enemy. 他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。
- We held a party to celebrate our success. 我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。
- He was an imbecile to sign a contract with them. 他跟他们签合同,真是愚不可及。
- EC was not the contracting party of GATT. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方 ,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。
- I was tied to my job by a contract. 我因订有合同而不能离职。
- A Contracting Party of the Treaty is bound to apply the provisions of this Appendix only if it makes a notification according to Article 5 of the Appendix. 条约的缔约方只有在根据本附录第5条作出通知时,才必须适用本附录的规定。