- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- She heaped chicken and ham upon her plate. 她把鸡子火腿堆了她一盘子。
- We dined off half a chicken and salad. 我吃了半只鸡还有色拉。
- She put chicken and ham upon her plate and poured a full bumper of port wine. 她把鸡肉和火腿放到盘子上,然后又倒了满满一杯葡萄酒。
- Jack is a chicken and he doesn't dare make a speech in public. 杰克是个胆小鬼,他不敢在大庭广众下发表演说。
- Miss Tan is a chicken and she isn't willing to take risks. 谭小姐是个胆小鬼,她不愿意冒险
- We had a chicken and stuffing, and new potatoes from the garden. 我们吃了只百宝鸡, 还有园子里种的新鲜马铃薯。
- This problem is precisely a chicken and egg situation. 这恰好是个鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡的问题。
- Do you remember when you bought a chicken and had to pluck it yourself? 你记得什么时候你自己买只鸡,自己退毛的?
- We have a bowl of very salty pea and ham soup. 我们喝了一碗非常咸的豌豆火腿汤。
- We have a bowl of very salty pea and ham soup . 我们喝了一碗非常咸的豌豆火腿汤。
- One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so dreadfully disillusioned. 人们对小鸡抱有那么大的希望,希望却又是那样惨地幻灭。
- She has learned to smoke fish and ham. 她学会了熏鱼和火腿。
- Baked macaroni with chicken and ham 火腿鸡焗通粉
- We have a bowl of very saltypea and ham soup. 我们喝了一碗非常咸的豌豆火腿汤。
- Sauteed spring onions with chicken and ham shreds 学九王三丝
- A green salad and ham and eggs. Yes, sir. 一份蔬菜色拉和一份火腿煎蛋。好的先生。
- She's no chicken and shouldn't be riding on the back of a motorbike at her age. 她年纪不小了,不应该在这种年龄时再骑坐在摩托车后面了。
- Steamed rice with chicken and ham 火腿滑鸡盅饭
- All of a sudden Nana writhed in a deep convulsion, and a bird the size of a chicken and with iridescent feathers escaped from between the sheets. 突然,嫫嫫象是剧烈痉挛一样的翻转,一只小鸡大小的鸟从被褥中逃了出来,它的羽毛光彩夺目。