- A dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop. 一只狗从肉铺里偷走一块肉。
- There was a butcher's shop alongside the theatre. 剧院旁边有一家肉店。
- We bought some meat in a butcher's shop. 我们在肉铺买了一些肉。
- There used to be a butcher shop in this town. 这个镇过去有家肉店。
- We're looking for a butcher shop to buy salami. 我们找一家肉店,买意大利腊肠。
- Hitler was as a great a butcher as the world has seen. 希特勒是有史以来最大的侩子手。
- A butcher was slaughtering a piglet there. 一个屠夫正在那儿屠宰一只小猪。
- Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop. 有一次一只狗从肉铺里偷了一块肉。
- The approach of a butcher's cart dislodged him. 来了一辆屠夫车子,他才让开。
- Why use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken? 杀鸡焉用牛刀?
- He was as great a butcher as the world has been. 他是有史以来最大的杀人狂。
- The floor of the carpenter’s shop was covered with shavings. 木匠店的地板上满是刨花.
- There used to be a butcher's shop there, didn't there? 那里曾一直有个肉铺,是吗?
- Welcome to LULU's shop,please contact lluupeng if needed! 欢迎来到璐璐的韩装精品店,璐璐随时在旺旺上为您服务!
- He's going to trade school to become a butcher. 他要去中专学习,将来要去卖肉。
- A greedy dog went into a butcher's shop and stole a big juicy bone. 一只贪心的狗跑到一家猪肉店偷了一根又大又有髓的骨头。
- A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。
- Mao was as a great a butcher as all chinese has seen. 老毛就他妈的是中国有史以来最大的杀人狂.
- The first tree rejoiced when the wood cutter brought her to a carpenter 's shop. 第一棵树心中充满了欢喜,当这位樵夫将它带到了木匠的店铺。
- A LYNCHING took place recently outside an ironmonger’s shop in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. 近日,在肯尼亚首都内罗毕一家五金商店外,发生了一场私刑。