- The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement. 部长签署了一个双边协议。
- A bilateral agreement;bilateral negotiations. 双边协定;双边谈判
- They have been negotiating a bilateral trade deal. 他们一直在商谈一项双边贸易协定。
- A bilateral agreement has been reached between the two countries. 两国间已经达成双边协定。
- The United Nations is calling for a bilateral ceasefire. 联合国呼吁双方停战。
- My expectation is that we will sign a bilateral agreement next month. 我预计下个月我们会签署一个双边协议。
- I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
- More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries. 双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。
- Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement. 大致上说,这样解决很恰当。
- Korea and China are committed to turn a very important relationship into a bilateral cooperative partnership geared to the 21st century. 韩国和中国均决意把两国至为重要的关系发展为双边合作伙伴关系,符合二十一世纪的发展形势。
- Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望逐渐消失。
- China and the United States concluded [entered into] a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations. 中美两国通过长期谈判后订立了一项双边贸易协定。
- Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望正在消失。
- The contract is then said to be a bilateral one, that is, one under which each party undertakes obligations. 合同被认为是双向的,这就是说,每一方都承担其合同项下的义务。
- It is characterized when a bilateral weighted shift operator is a Cowen-Douglas operator. 刻划了一个双边加权移位什么时候是Cowen -Douglas算子 .
- French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. 法国积极参加美国的双边行动以对抗英国1781年的约克镇战役。
- Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute. 谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法。
- Next Tuesday, while in Kigali, the president will sign a bilateral investment treaty with Rwanda. 下星期二,布什总统将在基加利同卢旺达政府签订双边投资协定。
- The OTC approach refers to spot foreign exchange transactions between participants of the inter-bank foreign exchange market through independent bilateral price inquiry and bilateral settlements based on bilateral credit authorization. otc方式是指银行间外汇市场交易主体以双边授信为基础,通过自主双边询价、双边清算进行的即期外汇交易。
- There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute. 这场纠纷根本不可能获得解决。