- Finally, be aware that our QMS is a bellwether of our success. 最后,要知道QMS我们走向成功的领头羊。
- Construction in the United States continues to be a bellwether of the economy. 美国的建筑业继续保持经济领头羊的地位。
- The giant online retailer of goods ranging from books, toys and CDs to tools is not simply a bellwether of e-commerce. 这个网上零售商的经营范围从图书、玩具和cd乃至工具不是简单的电子商务的领头羊。
- Intel Corp, for instance, hastraditionally been a bellwether for thesemiconductor industry. 例如英特尔一向就是半导体行业的龙头股。
- The giant online retailer of goods ranging from books,toys and CDs to tools is not simply a bellwether of e-commerce. 这个网上零售商的经营范围从图书、玩具和CD乃至工具不是简单的电子商务的领头羊。
- His comments are one of the first from a bellwether company about signs of stabilisation in the economy. 在全球龙头公司关于经济稳定迹象的说法中,贝加利的言论是最早的一批。
- Steel is a bellwether industry for the world economy because the metal is used in everything from appliances to commercial construction to bridges. 钢铁业是全球经济的先导行业,因为钢材应用在从家电到商业建筑以及桥梁等各个领域。
- The manufacturer is a bellwether of the US economy but is also heavily reliant on overseas markets, which account for 60 per cent of its sales. 卡特彼勒是美国经济的领头羊,但同时高度依赖于海外市场。该公司销售额的60%25来自海外市场。
- The export-dependent economy is closely watched as it is seen as a bellwether for Asia and an important indicator of global demand. 新加坡经济依赖出口,被视为亚洲经济的风向标、全球需求的重要指示器,因此受到密切关注。
- A bellwether survey of German firms by Ifo, in Munich, showed confidence dropping in April to its lowest in more than two years. 一项由慕尼黑IFO公司所进行的德国公司对未来前景预测的调查表明:在四月份商业信心跌至两年多来的最低点。
- FOR ALL the woes of the city that hosts it, Detroit's annual motor show is still a bellwether for America's car industry. 尽管作为主办城市的底特律茶几上摆满了杯具,但它的年度车展在美国汽车业中仍然堪称翘楚。
- The selloff in the Chinese market also prompted a decline in copper, seen as a bellwether of economic health, which pulled back from 11-month highs. 中国股市遭抛售还给铜价带来了拖累,导致铜价从11个月高点上滑落。铜被市场视为是经济健康状况的一个晴雨表。
- With TSMC commanding more than half of the world's contract chip manufacturing market, the company's performance is seen as a bellwether for the technology industry. 由于台积电占据了全球合同芯片制造市场的一半以上,该公司的表现被视为技术行业的晴雨表。
- The US bank is seen as a bellwether for the industry because it has fared better than its rivals in the credit crisis and has one of the earliest bonus payouts. 这家美国银行被视为银行业的标杆,因其在信贷危机中的表现好于竞争对手,也是最早发放奖金的银行之一。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Macau is a tiny place, but like Hong Kong, another special administrative region of China, it can be a bellwether for how much freedom Beijing will tolerate within its own borders. 中国改革开放三十年,市场经济已经成为中国经济的核心。但即使如此,到了今天,中国政府仍然坚持他们所行的是社会主义。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- China now plays a pivotal role in manufacturing sales and is a bellwether of success for manufacturers, as most of the successful companies in the survey both manufacture and sell in China. 目前,中国在生产销售方面起着举足轻重的作用,而且是生产 企业成功的领头羊,因为在调查中的成功企业多数是在中国进行生产和销售的企业。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。