- You can zoom out to see the whole Nhood at once or zoom in to a single Sim. 你可以缩小视角观察整个社区;也可以放大视角只看一个小人.
- do you kown how to setup the coper in the mode of zoom in or zoom out? 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?
- You can zoom in to see parts of your document close-up, or zoom out to see more of the document. 您可以放大文档的一部分以查看其特写,或缩小以查看更多的文档内容。
- In Print Preview, you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well data is positioned on the page. 在“打印预览”中,可以放大以查看细节,也可以缩小以查看数据在页面上的位置布局。
- In Print Preview, you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well the data is positioned on the page. 在打印预览中,可以放大以查看细节,也可以缩小以查看数据在页面上放置的位置如何。
- Zoom in or zoom out 放大或缩小
- This means that, for example, a line drawn between two stars will continue to join those same two stars no matter how the map is scrolled, rotated, or zoomed in or out. 您同时也要向我们保证您所提交的内容是您自己所作,或得自一个不受版权保护或相似自由的来源。不要在未获授权的情况下发表!
- Do you know how to set the copycat on reduce or zoom in model? 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?
- Do you know how to set the printer in" Zoom in"( zoom out) model? 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?
- Do you know how to set the printer in "Zoom in" (zoom out) model? 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?
- Do you know how to set the zoom out (zoom in) mode for the printer? 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?
- Do not zoom in or out before recording and playing back scripts in Internet Explorer 7.0. 在Internet Explorer 7.;0中记录和回放脚本之前不要进行缩放。
- To zoom in or out on a page, use the Magnifying glass icon at the bottom right corner of the Internet Explorer window. 缩放图像时,使用IE窗口右下角的放大镜图标。
- If you have a mouse with a wheel, hold down the CTRL key, and then scroll the wheel to zoom in or out. 如果使用滚轮鼠标,则按住Ctrl键,然后滚动滚轮进行缩放。
- Regardless of the zoom in or out, character always smooth, there would be no histologicai. 无论不扩大或不扩大,字符老是平滑的,不会有锯齿呈现。
- In Safari double tap to zoom in or out. You can also "pinch" (putting your thumb and index finger on the screen and pinching in and out) to zoom in Safari, Maps, and in Pictures. 网页、地图、图片浏览时,单/双指单/双击屏幕缩放,也可双指在屏幕滑动合拢分离来缩放。(前者快,后者帅)
- You can click Zoom In and Zoom Out on the Standard toolbar to change how much of the PERT Chart is displayed. 单击“常用”工具栏上的“放大”或“缩小”按钮可以更改“统筹图”的显示大小。
- Is the tide coming in or going out? 现在是涨潮还是落潮?
- This Java tip implements Zoom in and zoom out feature on an Image (Image Zoomer). This may also be useful for custom (译):此Java提示执行in和zoom out功能图像(图像Zoomer ) 。
- Variable grid lines change as you zoom in or out of your drawing, and are useful when you want to align shapes precisely. 可变网格线会随着绘图的放大或缩小而发生相应变化,这在需要精确对齐形状时十分有用。