- Zoom About Mouse Pointer 依据鼠标点放缩
- When scaling the mouse pointer, this option makes the scale adjust according to the current level of zoom. 当缩放鼠标指针的时候,这个选项将调节缩放大小为当前放大级别。
- Do you want the mouse pointer to leave a trail? 您想要鼠标指针留下轨迹吗?
- You can change the speed of your mouse pointer. 您可以改变鼠标指针的速度。
- Your mouse pointer can leave a trail. 鼠标指针可以留下轨迹。
- Called when the mouse pointer enters the cell. 当鼠标指针进入单元格时调用。
- Called when the mouse pointer leaves the cell. 在鼠标指针离开单元格时调用。
- Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。
- Move your mouse pointer a few times over the FiestaBar? 用鼠标在广告条上划过几次就行了。
- Change the mouse pointer to a hand when you move over them. 鼠标指针移到它们上面时,指针更改为手形。
- How do I get a Button to actively change under my mouse pointer? 如何设置按钮随鼠标指向的动态变化。
- You can hold the mouse pointer over the box to see its contents. 可将鼠标指针放在该框上方来查看它的内容。
- The mouse pointer moves with the window as you use the ARROW keys. 您使用箭头键时,鼠标指针会随窗口移动。
- Style control until the mouse pointer is moved off of it again. 样式控件,直到鼠标指针移开为止。
- On open/close, move vacuum ending point with the mouse pointer. 在打开/关闭时,使真空特效终点随鼠标指针移动。
- On open/close, move magic lamp ending point with the mouse pointer. 在打开/关闭时,使神灯动画终点随鼠标指针移动。
- To view the photos, simply hover the mouse pointer over the photos. 如要观看相片,简单地盘旋滑鼠在相片。
- Just as a black mouse pointer disperses them, "HP"is in sight. 黑色鼠标指针将他们拨开,发现了“HP”。
- The message contains the screen location of the mouse pointer, or sprite. 该消息包括鼠标指针的屏幕定位或子图形。
- Move the mouse pointer over the smart tag prompt, to display the smart tag. 将鼠标指针移至智能标记提示上,以显示该智能标记。