- Zoned black fungus 黑轮层炭壳, 红环丝膜菌
- Does urine road calculus eat black fungus correctly? 尿路结石吃黑木耳正确么?
- Native products have black fungus, white melon seeds, such as bracken. 土特产品有黑木耳,白瓜子,蕨菜等。
- Market fresh garden greens, black fungus and mushrooms fried with garlic and chilli. 新鲜田园蔬菜,黑木耳和蘑菇配上大蒜和辣椒。
- Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chilli. 木耳用清水泡好后切成丝。姜蒜和泡辣椒剁成末。
- Then add black fungus and cooked pork, stir well, be careful the fungus might jump off the wok. 加木耳和炒好的肉碎,这时一定要不停地翻炒,因如果木耳受热不均会跳出锅,大家一定要小心!
- Add in black fungus, mushrooms, carrot slices, scallion chunks and pickled chillies.Stir briefly. 加入水发后的香菇木耳,胡萝卜,葱段和泡椒一起翻炒片刻。
- "Great Bazhen" means the fern, black fungus, mushrooms, yellow, Cimicifuga, Hippophae rhamnoides, kiwi, hazelnut. "大八珍"指蕨菜、黑木耳、蘑菇、黄花、升麻、沙棘、猕猴桃、榛子。
- Because of this idiosyncrasy,black fungus is used as the health food who is engaged in pollutive profession. 黑木耳是我国传统的药食同源的保健食品,现代科学的研究证明了黑木耳对于防治人类心脑血管及肿瘤疾病有重大意义。
- The main products are mushrooms (including the mushroom), black fungus, Coprinus comatus and so on. 主要产品为香菇(含花菇)、黑木耳、鸡腿菇等。
- The black fungus Rhizopus, and some species of the genus Mucor can also see the differences in reproductive meet. 真菌中的黑根霉以及毛霉属的一些种也可见到异宗配合生殖。
- Boil the egg and smash the yolk. Finely chop the black fungus, carrot, pea and egg white. 鸡蛋煮熟,蛋黄捏成末,黑木耳,胡萝卜,青豆切成末。
- Black fungus with a very rich microglia, the human digestive system and circulatory system can be a positive influence, is a good health food. 黑木耳含有极为丰富的胶质,对人的消化系统和循环系统能发生积极影响,是一种良好的保健食品。
- Spring should be eating some light, eat more vegetables and some edible mushrooms, such as black fungus, tremella, mushrooms, mushrooms, and so on. 春季饮食应清淡一些,多吃蔬菜和一些食用菌,如黑木耳、银耳、蘑菇、香菇等。
- Amorphophallus, black fungus, seaweed, pig's blood, apples, strawberries, honey, brown rice and other food can help the digestive system of toxins. 魔芋、黑木耳、海带、猪血、苹果、草莓、蜂蜜、糙米等众多食物都能帮助消化系统排毒。
- Here is selling Dry Chili Pan Mee, Curry Laksa Noodles, Fried Pork with Black Fungus Noodles, Wan Tan Mee, other snacks and delicious fruit juice, including sour plum lime juice and hog plum juice. 这里卖的是干捞辣椒板面、咖喱板面、木耳炸肉面、云吞面、其他小食、各式甜汤以及美味的果汁。听了也垂涎三尺!
- Ingredients:120g Taro shreds, 100g Yam bean sh reds, 80g Carrot shreds, 20g Mung bean vermicelli, 20g Trimmed mung bean sprouts, 5g Dried black fungus, 1/2 packet Spring roll wrapper. 材料:芋头丝120克、沙葛丝100克、红萝卜丝80克、龙口粉丝20克、银芽20克、木耳5克、春卷皮半包。
- The downtown area is zoned for commercial use. 市中心被划出供商业用。
- Ru flowers, mushrooms, mushroom, shiitake mushrooms, Bai Muer, black fungus, and Shiershan Shiershan mountain, fern, day lily, Day Lily, water celery, these are all wild-sheng, the mining field. 花茹、蘑菇、平菇、香菇、白木耳、黑木耳、石耳与高山石耳,蕨菜、黄花菜、金针菜、水芹菜,这些全都是野外生、野外采。
- Huachi specialty Auricularia Ziwuling mainly in secondary forests, the production varies due to climate change, natural black fungus as a result of supply shortages and price a hundred times. 华池特产黑木耳主要产于子午岭次生林中,产量因气候变化而异,天然黑木耳由于货源紧缺而身价百倍。