- Leadership onlooking performances and so on Chen Xunqiu, Zhang Changer, Zhu Yi. 陈训秋、张昌尔、朱毅等领导观看演出。
- Suggest you look more take a fancy to center 2 " Zhu Yi says plan " , this column is told a lot of socially all sorts of legerdemain. 建议你多看看中心二套的“朱义说计”,此栏目讲很多社会上各种骗术。
- Zhu Yi of secretary of director of Amphitryon Yantai port office, Party committee delivers a speech ebulliently on the meeting welcome. 东道主烟台港务局局长、党委书记朱毅在会上热情洋溢地致词欢迎。
- Park, the coconut trees, tall and straight areca, banana, mango tree forest, swaying in the wind Fengwei Zhu Yi, Huang Ying-yang brilliant owner. 园内、椰子树、槟榔树挺拔,香蕉树、芒果树成林,凤尾竹随风摇曵,黄斑竹映阳灿烂。
- A.Meyers ;Luan Lijun, Zheng Dadi yi zhu. 书名 :Computer science =计算机科学英语 /R.
- Author Fei Ke;Zhu Yi;Chen Yang;et al. Cardiovascular Depertment;Huadong Hospital;Shanghai 200040;Chana; 作者费苛;朱毅;陈阳;邱朝晖;林庆民;宫玲;张维;李瑾;
- On Paradigmatic Significance of Zhu Yi Zun's Ci Poetry--Discussing the Causes of Generation, Development and Declination of the West Zhejiang School of Ci Poetry Simultaneously 论朱彝尊词的典范意义--兼论浙西词派发生、发展、衰落原因
- San Min Zhu Yi 三民主义
- "Xin Min Zhu Yi" “新民主义”
- Zhu Yi 朱义;中国演员
- People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu. 人们尊称他为朱老。
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。
- The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang lasted about 31 years. 朱元璋统治了大约三十一年。
- It's Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. 《梁山伯与祝英台》。
- Zhu Geliang was a man of great resource. 诸葛亮是个足智多谋的人。
- Shanxi Yi Tai Heng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 山西颐泰恒精细化学有限公司
- Zhu Mu Langma New Tech Development Co. 珠穆朗玛新技术发展公司。
- "Eulogy of Po Yi" was a prose piece written by him. 《伯夷颂》是韩愈所写的一篇散文。
- Zhu Xi actually a native of Wuyi Mountain? 原来朱熹就是武夷山人哪?
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。