- A Brief Archeological Investigation Report of the Zhou Dynasty Site in the Upper Reaches of the Western Hanshui River 西汉水上游周代遗址考古调查简报
- Zhou dynasty site 周代遗址
- The Zhou Dynasty existed over eight centuries. 周朝存在了8个多世纪。
- The Western Zhou dynasty moved the capital to Shannxi. 西周把都城迁到了陕西。
- When the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the north is Shuozhou. 北周时地属北朔州。
- The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other, from 1027 to 221 B.C. 周朝比此前其他朝代的存续时间长,从公元前1027年一直到公元前221年。
- To refuse the food from Zhou Dynasty, Boyi and Shuqi finally died from fast. 伯夷,叔齐二人为了不食周朝的食物,最后绝食而死。
- Ningxia was home to the Rong and Di tribes in the Western Zhou dynasty. 宁夏是西周时戎族和羝族的故乡。
- The governor of West Zhou dynasty ruled a strict grade to the bronze. 西周社会还对青铜器使用制定严格的等级。
- The genesis of the Zongpu is traceable to the Zhou dynasty (1050-221 BC). 宗谱的诞生可以追溯到周朝(公元前1050-221)。
- In West Zhou Dynasty,wine-making industry and ceramics in Quzhou were booming. 在西周时期,衢州的酿酒业和制陶业已相当发达;
- Chinese Ouroboros from Chou dynasty, 1200 BC. 中国的大毒蛇是从公元前1200年的周朝开始。
- Meanwhile the seigneur recruited the Shang people into Zhou clan by swearing fealty to them, and expanded the regime base of the Zhou Dynasty. 同时,诸侯也通过盟誓方式将异姓贵族纳入了周人宗法秋序,从而扩大了西周政权的统治基础。
- The custom goes back to the Zhou Dynasty and the well known carpenter and builder Lu Ban. 这种习俗可追溯到周朝,与著名的木匠和建筑师鲁班有关。
- By the mid Western Zhou Dynasty, decorations on bronzeware had changed to ring and ripple patterns. 到了西周中期,青铜器的纹饰和样式都有所改变。饕餮纹、馗纹逐渐被环形纹、水波纹所代替。
- Yet musical dance with elements of drama can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, 11th century B.C.. 但是,具有戏剧因素的乐舞却可追溯至公元前11世纪左右的西周时期。
- Did he really? I understand that the Zhou Dynasty broke down into warring states for hundreds of years. 是吗?可是我知道周朝有好几百年陷入战乱,分崩离析。
- Except for these Six Major Dances, the Elegant Music of the Zhou Dynasty also included "Six Minor Dances". 周代雅乐除上述六大舞外,还有"六小舞"
- North Zhou Dynasty took a further step by applying Confucian standards to strengthen the assessment. 北周时期更有人主张用儒家的标准来加强考课。
- In the Zhou Dynasty, alcoholic beverages were classified into two types: rice wine and li wine. 周朝的酒饮料分成两类:米酒和醴酒。