- Comrade Zhou Enlai finally departed from us. 周恩来同志和我们永别了。
- Zhou Enlai was too astute to rail against reality. 周恩来是一个非常精明的人,他不会诅咒现实。
- Zhou Enlai sent us another unmistakable signal. 周恩来又给我们发来了一个明确无误的信号。
- This tree was planted by Zhou Enlai. 此树系周恩来手植。
- Zhou Enlai reciprocated by designating Huang Zhen from Paris. 周恩来相应地把黄镇从巴黎调回委以新任。
- Premier Zhou Enlai talked about this question as early as in 1953. 这个问题周恩来总理在一九五三年就讲过。
- Please take me to the Zhou Enlai and Deny Yingchao Memorial Hall. 请载我去周邓纪念馆。
- The dance epic was created on the initiative of Premier Zhou Enlai. 这部作品是在周恩来的倡导下进行的。
- Our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai once said: "live and learn. 我们敬爱的周总理曾经说过:“活到老,学到老。”
- He was friends with Zhou Enlai and served under Chiang Kaishek. 他和周恩来是好朋友并且服务于蒋介石。
- Our past premier Zhou Enlai grew up on the rich land of Huai'an. 淮安这片沃土养育了一代伟人周恩来。
- Premier Zhou Enlai once met Panchen Erdeni Chosgyi Gyantsen. 周恩来曾会见班禅额尔德尼·确吉坚赞。
- The late Premier Zhou Enlai is still remembered by many Chinese people. 已故的周总理仍为许多中国人所怀念。
- It is the same affection in the two era premiers--Zhou enlai and Wen jiabao. 两代总理一样情.
- Zhou Enlai said: I first of all Chinese people, is GCD followed by the people! 周恩来说过:我首先是中国人,其次才是GCD人!
- I write with sadness about the last exchanges I had with the Chinese Premier, Zhou Enlai. 我是怀着悲痛的心情来回顾我同中国的周恩来总理最后几次谈话的。
- A Copy of Tiananmen Poems is a poetry anthology people compiled to commemorate our prime minister Zhou Enlai. 《天安门诗抄》是人民自发怀念周总理而作的诗歌集。
- The first stable and mature collective of leaders of the CPC was formed by Mao Zedong,Liu Shaoqi,Zhou Enlai and Zhu De. 从毛刘周朱开始,中国共产党才真正形成了一个稳定的成熟的领导集体。
- The objective of achieving the four modernizations was set by Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai. 四个现代化这个目标是毛主席、周总理在世时确定的。
- Comrade Zhou Enlai wanted to bring about a sharp change in the educational departments,but no such change was made. 周恩来同志想要教育部门转弯子,但是没有转过来。