- Zheng state city 郑国城
- Is palestra in benefit state city where? 惠州市体育学校在哪里?
- This is a fire of lukewarm state city with most in recent years casualty. 这是温州市近年来伤亡人数最多的一起火灾。
- What link fontal state city now is actual undertake initial exploration. 现结合泉州市的实际进行初步探索。
- Beijing for railways, electrification of the railway in Beijing Qin Tong state city Trade Fair. 京承铁路、京秦电气化铁路在通州城内交会。
- The practice that grain of Lu state city changes, draw lessons from benignantly to deepening reform to offer. 泸州市粮改的实践,对深化改革提供了有益借鉴。
- In most states city governments were creatures of the legislature. 大多数州的政府,都是立法机关的产物。
- Does fontal state city do medical shedding to add B to exceed examination charge altogether how to many money want? 泉州市做药流加上B超检查费用一共要多少钱?
- movement three times of the captial of Zheng state 郑城三迁
- In most states city governments were creatures of the legislature . 大多数州的政府,都是立法机关的产物。
- Association of trade of shoe of city of deer of lukewarm state city is the guild of typical semiofficial type. 温州市鹿城鞋业协会是典型的半官方式的行业协会。
- Answer:ract of lukewarm state city makes public a sale on net of travel commodity house begin from March 1, 2007. 答:温州市实行商品房网上公开销售是从2007年3月1日开始的。
- He introduced fontal state city to develop the new thinking that is not state ownership economy, new move to us. 他向我们介绍了泉州市发展非公有制经济的新思路、新举措。
- The customs clearance after complete the second party is responsible for conveyancing goods safety to the warehouse of state City, Guangxi. 通关完毕后乙方负责把货物安全运输至广西柳州市的仓库。
- Personnel of Chu state city was founded in June 2008 " the hero is ecru " QQ group, group inside the nearly 200 people when the member is most. 滁州市人员2008年6月创建了“英雄本色”QQ群,群内成员最多时近200人。
- Prince Huan of Zheng state suprisedly attacked Kuai state 桓公袭郐
- Fontal state police assisted Chengdu policeman a few days ago, guilty suspect Chen Mou and Wang Mou are seized in fontal state city. 泉州警方日前协助成都民警,在泉州市抓获犯罪嫌疑人陈某和王某。
- Introduced total factory of pulverous metallurgy of Lai state city to build the achievement that the factory comes to 11 years and experience. 介绍了莱州市粉末冶金总厂建厂11年来的成绩和经验。
- Be known as phlogistic emperor the Hubei of divine farming native place upsurged along with state city new green spring tide. 被誉为炎帝神农故里的湖北随州市涌起了新的绿色大潮。
- Here, be united in wedlock always the talks about cultivate property structural adjustment actually principle problem of state city. 这里,结合永州市的实际谈谈畜物业结构调整的原则问题。