- Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng 证治准绳
- If you can help the team win, Zheng Zhi at Charlton's position will be consolidated. 如果能够帮助球队获得胜利,那么郑智在查尔顿的地位将得到巩固。
- After Zheng Zhi goes Britain starts the overseas profession, Shao Jiu has followed in the side considers its life. 在郑智前往英国开始海外生涯后,邵娜就一直跟随在身边照顾其生活。
- This will greatly enhance the strength of Charlton, Zheng Zhi can help to achieve the dream of Chongchao. 这将极大的提升查尔顿的实力,也能够帮助郑智实现冲超之梦。
- For the home team defender Tan Wangsong and midfielder Zheng Zhi were red-carded in the 2nd half. 最终,中国队0-2不敌比利时队,小组出线基本无望。
- The second, 12 minutes later, was charged to the Chinese team captain, Zheng Zhi, for elbowing an opposing player. 第二张红牌出现在12分钟之后。中国队队长郑智因肘击对方球员而得牌。
- The pardue on-line announced in the Charlton official Zheng Zhi is injured news. 帕杜在查尔顿官网上宣布了郑智受伤的消息。
- However, if Charlton Chongchao really successful, the fate of Zheng Zhi will be marked with a question mark. 不过,如果查尔顿真的成功冲超,郑智的命运就将被打上一个问号。
- The first of those is likely to be national captain Zheng Zhi, who spent the second half of last season on loan at Charlton. 最可能选择的就是国家队队长郑智,上赛季后半段他曾被租借到查尔顿。
- Chinese international Zheng Zhi has revealed Premiership outfits Newcastle and Birmingham City are interested in his services. 中国国脚郑智目前透露,英超俱乐部纽卡斯尔联队与伯明翰城队有意签下他。
- Beijing on October 4 evening, victory over Charlton at home for 5 Ipswich's unbeaten team, Zheng Zhi start, his 50th start on behalf of Charlton. 北京时间10月4日晚间,查尔顿在主场击败连续5轮不败的伊普斯维奇队,郑智首发出场,这也是他第50次代表查尔顿首发出场。
- "In the face of attack is not weak Ipswich, I hope the team can more control over the ball at the foot, Todorov and Zheng Zhi is to play such a role. “面对攻击力并不弱的伊普斯维奇,我希望球队能更多地控制脚下球,郑智和托多罗夫正是起到了这样的作用。”
- Defender Tan Wangsong was red-carded in the 52nd for a vicious foul and midfielder Zheng Zhi in the 63rd for elbowing an opponent. 后卫谭望嵩在52分钟时因恶意犯规吃到一张红牌,而前卫郑智也因63分钟时肘击对手而吃红牌。
- Chinese player Zheng Zhi of Charlton effectiveness by 2 to 1 home win over previously unbeaten 5 of Ipswich, ranking rose to 13th. 中国球员郑智所效力的查尔顿主场2比1战胜此前5轮不败的伊普斯维奇,排名升至第13位。
- And the Crystal Palace in the match, Zheng Zhi substitute appearances, and he was also optimistic about the weekend and Ipswich's match to win re-main. 在和水晶宫的比赛中,郑智替补亮相,而他也被看好在周末和伊普斯维奇的比赛中重新争取到主力的位置。
- At the same time, Zheng Zhi Pardew to pitch before the game is very flexible position so that he can speak freely on their own offensive capability. 与此同时,帕杜给了郑智球场上非常灵活的前场位置,使他能够自由发挥自己的进攻能力。
- Commander in chief the pardue confirmed that the Zheng Zhi foot department is injured needs to perform the surgery, he will absent at least two month. 主帅帕杜确认,郑智脚部受伤需要接受手术,他将至少缺席两个月的时间。
- Xieer Wei and the Netherlands are non-ideal state, and Ambrose also Pulimusi Hard great, Zheng Zhi should be very suitable for this One location. 霍兰和谢尔维状态都非理想,安布罗斯和普里姆斯也难当大任,郑智应该算是非常适合这一位置的了。
- In the Charlton fan anticipated resurfaces when Zheng Zhi can save murky in the team, the accident actually occurred in October 3. 就在查尔顿球迷期待复出的郑智能拯救低迷之中的球队时,意外却在10月3日发生了。
- Earlier this week, head coach the pardue once suggested can arrange Zheng Zhi to substitute in today's competition is taken to the threshing ground. 本周早些时候,主教练帕杜曾经暗示会安排郑智在今天的比赛替补登场。