- Zhang Xue yan 张雪岩
- CHIANG Kai shek's cottoning to ZHANG Xue liang helped CHIANG to strengthen his penetration into and control of the northeast group and defeat YAN Xi shan, FENG Yu xiang and Guangxi fractions. 蒋介石对张学良的拉拢,基本上达到了战胜冯玉祥、阎锡山、李宗仁各派,强化对东北集团渗透和控制的目的。
- Xue Yan primarily on the basis of wave theory, the combination of average, MACD, KDJ, DMI indicators to determine buy and sell points. 薛岩主要根据波浪理论,结合均线、MACD、KDJ、DMI这些指标判断买入点和卖出点。
- Zhang Xue suggests, should be reduced or avoid a net to buy strong interest the most crucial depend on prescind force. 张雪建议,要减轻或避免网购成瘾最关键在于转移注意力。
- Xue Yan customary practice is to choose to buy relatively inexpensive, high-priced warrants to touch as little as possible. 薛岩习惯的做法是选择相对便宜的买,高价权证尽量少碰。
- Yangzhou in return drifted way disciples Xiang Xue Yan and Japan荣睿monk died, Jianzhen I also travel long distances, heat disease, blind. 在辗转返回扬州途中,弟子祥彦和日本学僧荣睿相继去世,鉴真本人也因长途跋涉,暑热染病,双目失明。
- Is that phase of Lixiena and Wu Xin all pass through happy base camp Zhang Xue You piece of Mini's bilayer sleeve clothes goods number a number? 快乐大本营张学友那期里谢娜和吴昕都穿过的一件米妮的双层袖的衣服货号是多少?
- But the happy faces belied the suffering some have endured. 31-year-old Zhang Xue Mei was so overcome by emotion that she could not finish her interview with Channel News Asia. 但是欢乐的面孔将覆盖有些人长久以来承受的悲痛。31岁的张雪梅(音译)情绪很激动,以致于无法完成亚洲新闻台的采访。
- Three Topics on ZHANG Xue - cheng's View of Historic Biographies 章学诚史传论三题
- LU WEN KAI\ ZHANG XUE GONG\ LI YAN DA (Department of automation; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China) HE HAN YI\ WEN SHU LIANG\ LIU YONG JIANG (CNOOC; Gaobeidian 074010; China); 清华大学自动化系;海洋石油勘探开发研究中心;海洋石油勘探开发研究中心北京;
- Lao Zhang did not immediately speak his mind. 老张没有马上把心里话讲出来。
- She ate up the chance to go to Yan an. 她极为珍视这次去延安的机会。
- He went back to his Yan an days. 他回忆起在延安的岁月。
- Mr. Zhang can read English pretty well. 张先生英语读得很好。
- Mr. Zhang, will you hold the line, please? 张先生,请稍等一会儿好吗?
- Han Ping, Xue Yan, Su Hongchao. Precipitation signal of the climatic shift in Xinjiang region. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 韩萍,薛燕,苏宏超。新疆降水在其后转型中的信号反映。冰川冻土
- 4 Zhao WX, Li JH. Pharmacotherapy progresses of osteoporosis. Yi Xue Yan Jiu Sheng Xue Bao. 2003; 16(5): 386?388. Chinese with abstract in English. 赵文新;李金恒.;骨质疏松症的药物治疗进展
- International Pansystems School Grandly Claims that We support Prof. Zhang Xue Wen's Constitution Theory 国际泛系学派隆重宣告:支持张学文先生的组成论
- Mediate Central Plains'War with Arms is Zhang Xue liang's Patriotic Action in Defending Unity 武装调停中原大战是张学良维护统一的爱国之举